FILE May 10, 1967 Dr. Benjamin B. Wells Assistant Chief Medical Director for Research and Education in Medicine Department of Medicine and Surgery Veterans Administration Washington, D.C. 20420 Dear Dr. Wells: Enclosed are the applications which will be reviewed by the National Advisory Council on Regional Medical Programs on May 22-23, 1967. Zlease be sure to bring your books to the meeting with you, as additional copies will not be availiable. it has been decided that a2 Sunday evening meeting will not be necessary. Therefore, we will begin at 8:30 a.m. on May 22-23, Conference Room 4, Building 31. We shall look forward to seeing you at the Councll meeting. | Sincerely yours, Qirs.) Eva M,.Handal : Committees Management Officer Diviston of Regional Medical Programs Enclosures bee: Mrs. Kyttle EHandal: jfh Identical letter (with the exception of second paragraph) sent to: Dr. A. Earl Walker, NINDB Dr. Edward Dempsey, NIGMS Dr. Murray Copeland, NCI Dr. John Hickam, NHI NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL ON REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS May 11, 1967 Leonidas H. Berry, M.D. (67) Professor, Cook County Graduate School of Medicine, and Senior Attending Physician Michael Reese Hospital Chicago, Illinois 60653 Mailing Address 412 East 47th Street Chicago, Illinois 60653 Michael E, DeBakey, M.D. (68) Professor and Chairman Department of Surgery College of Medicine Baylor University Houston, Texas 77025 Bruce W. Everist, M.D. (67) Chief of Pedtatrics Green Clinic 709 South Vienna Street Ruston, Louisiana 71270 Mr. Charles J. Hitch (67) Vice President of Finances University of California Berkeley, California 94720 John R. Hogness, M.D. (70) Dean, School of Medicine University of Washington Seattle, Washington 98105 James T. Howell, M.D. (68) Executive Director Henry Ford Hospital Detroit, Michigan 48202 Clark H. Millikan, M.D. (68) Consultant in Neurology Mayo Clinic Rochester, Minnesota 55902 George E. Moore, M.D. (68) Director Roswell Park Memorial Institute 666 Elm Street Buffalo, New York 14203 Edmind D. Pellegrino, M.D. (70) Director of the Medical Center State University of New York Stony Brook, New York 11790 Alfred M, Popma, M.D. (70) Regional Director Regional Medical Program 525 West Jefferson Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Mack I. Shanholtz, M.D. (70) State Health Commissioner State Department of Health Richmond, Virginia 23219 Cornelius H. Traeger, M.D. (67) 799 Park Avenue New York, New York 10021 Ex Officio Member Dr. William H. Stewart (Chairman) Surgeon General Public Health Service 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20014