Robert Q. Marston, M.D., Associate Director, NIH May 23, 1967 and Director, Division of Regional Medical Programs James A. Beattie, Chief Grants Management Branch, DRMP Processing Grant Awards As a result of the May 22-23 Council meeting, the following applications received a number 1 rating and would appear ready for award, subject to your concurrence: $02 KM-00057~-018 University of Mississippi Medical Center 803 BM-00015-0181 University of Utah (also, the Homer Warner project--based on the purchase rather than lease of equipment). 802 RM-00006-0281 Duke University (Administrative increase $75,000) This can be handled by increasing the second year planning grant support by $75,000 since Duke has an unbudgeted carry-over of $200,000 from the first year planning funds. The following applications received a number 2 rating and will require discussion with the applicant prior to award: $02 RM-00059-01 Pennsylvania Medical Society 802 BM-00060-01 North Dakota Medical Research Foundation $02 RM-00061-01 University of Chicago $02 RM-00042-01R Hew Jersey Joint Comaittee for Implementation of ¥. L. 89-239 802 RM-00019-0182 California Medical Education and Research Foundation 803 RM-00037-01 Wisconsin RMP, Inc. (site visit required) The following application received a number 3 rating and requires letter approval from Council prior to award: 802 RM-00003-0281 University of Vermont College of Medicine In addition, staff is in the process of negotiating two awards recommended by the previous Council--Michigan and Metropolitan Rew York. Dr. Marston--5/23/67 ~Ze There are also in-process 9 continuation grant awards that should be avarded prior to June 30, 1967 to contime existing programs. The purpose of this meno is to outline the workload and prevent a last sinete rush in preparing award statements prior to June 30, 1967. Five weeks remain between now and June 30th. In addition, we have the day-to-day workload, a holiday and a Program Coordinators’ meeting. May I suggest that discussions be held with the six applicants receiving a mmber 2 rating within the next two weeks, and that a staff discussion of the $ continuation grant applications be eonducted prier to June 9th. This would allow sufficient tine for recefpt of additionsl information and adjusted budgets to be received and avards mode pricr to June Sth. JABeattie:pma 5/23/67 naw”