NEW FILE BEGINS hee #47 B&B INFORMATION & IMAGE MANAGEMENT 300 Pewee Grorar'’s BOULEVARD UPPER MARLBORD, MaryLanND 20772 ° USA * (301) 249-5110 : Surgeon Cener2i, PHS June 30, L¢ee Through 2 Divecter, NIE Aseociate Director, NIH, and Chief, Division of Regions] Medical Programs Reporting Highlighte ef the Teurth meeting of the National Advisery Council on Regional Medical Pragriams, Jame 20-21, 4966 At the fourth meeting of this Council, Li planning grants were reviewed, Of these,.the Council made the following recommendations: 3 were recommended for approval 2 were recoumnded for disapproval 6 were recommended for deferral The Coumeil recommeaded thiut the staff of this Division have discussions with each applicant prior to making an award, in order to negoti.te any preblems which were discussed by the Council, The applications from the H:alth Research Inc., on behalf of the New York State Devartment of Health, and the California Coordination Agency for fraining, Research, Educatioa, and Demonetration fm tne field of Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke, und Related Diseases, raise the legal and policy questions of approval of requests for planning to be carrded out on two levels. First, thit plimiing directed to the establishment of a Rogienal edical Program, und secondly, planaing to be carried on te coordinate the efforts of u number of Regional Medical Programs. Project site visits with Gouncil und stuff participation will be arranged te explere this question further. i Oli gf iy aval Robert 0. Marston, HD. ec: De. Marston Mr. Yordy Vr. Brewer Mr. Beattie Br. Sican pi ° tet 4 itt, iv. Vo VI. xi. XII, DE Pant JEGT OF Be LE ELTICAYTLON. ART WELEAPE Publie Heal th Service National Institutes of Besith Bethesda, Mavyland AGENDA Fourth Meeting of che NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL ON REGIONAL MEDICAT, PROGRAMS Conference Room "C", Stone House 9:05 a.m., June 20-21, 1966 Telephone 496-5881 CALL TO ORDER AND OPENING REMARKS ANNOUNCEMENTS CONSEDERATION OF FUTURE MEETING DATES CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF APRIL 1966 MEETING REPORTS FROM LIAISON MEMBERS RESEARCH, TRAINING, aND COMMUNITY SERVICES ACTIVITIES IN THE CEREBROVASCULAR AREA--Dr. Millikan DISCUSSION OF SYSTEMS ANALYSIS REPORT ON MAIL BALLOTS--Dr. Marston REPORT Of THE SECRETARY'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON THE . MANAGEMENT OF NIH RESEARCH CONTRACTS AND GRANTS {Ruine Committee Report)--Drs. Sessoms and Sherman CONTINUING EDUCATIGN--Dr, Mayer CONSIDERATION OF PLANNING GRANT APPLICATIONS ADJOURNMENT TAB I _ JANUARY JULY SMQTWTrF = Ss SuMTtwWwTrF i s i 1 2 f P2345 67 8 345 6 7 83 Independence Day 5 68 1011 12 13 14 18 10 LL 12 13 14 15 16 H 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 17.18 18 20 21 22 23 § B23 24 25 26 27 28 29 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 4 30 31 FEBRUARY S MT WTF S §S MT W TF S 12 3 4 3 123 4 5 6 6 7 8 8 10 11 12 7 8 8 10 11,012 139— f 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 H 20 21 22 23 2% 2 26 21 22 23 24 2 26 27 #27 28 28 30 MARCH SEPTEMBER § M T W T F S 8 M T WTF Ss 23 4 5 t 2 3 6 7 8 8 16011 2B 4678 78 98 W Labor Day 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 2 26 18 19 2 21 22 23 24 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 APRIL OCTOBER SM T W FTF FS SM TFT W T F S 1 t 2 3 45 6 7/39 | 23 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9 10 11 12 13/14 15 § 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 16 17 18 19 2 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 Good Friday ---~ . MAY NOVEMBER _ F MT WwW Tt OF S§ BMT W T F OS § 23 4 5 6 7 12 3 4 Election Day eterans' Day s. 1 F 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 7 679 10 ai § 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | 13 14 15 16 17.18 19 § 22 29 pmeretty 23 ZA 25 26 27-28 20 21 22 23 242 26 hanksgiving | 60) 34 27 28 29 30 Memorial Day———~} JUNE ___ DECEMBER SMTWOrTF 5 ; 123 64 12 3 A 5 6 7 8 9 2011 | 4 5 6 7 8 9 16 32 13 14 15 16 17 18 11 42 13 14 15016 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 18 19 20 21 22 a 26 27 28 29 30 Gi 2 2 29 30 31 g t th = a} ie my ry wn a . iT wk A ane CA Christmas Dr. Leonidas E. Berry (&7} Professor, Cook County Graduate School of Medicine, and Senlor Attedding FPhysieiaaz Michael Reese Hospitel 12 EB. ifth Street Chicago, Thlinels 60653 | De. Mary Z. Buating (67) | President, | RedeLitte College Caatridge, Magsachusetés - Me, Gordon R. Cumaing (66) Aeninistrater Secraxcate Counby Nespitel 2335 Steckton Boulevard Sagranonto, California Dr. Michael E. BeBskey (68) Professor and Chairman | Uepertaents of Surgery | College of Medicins | Baylor Undversity | Houston, Texas T7025 i: “De. Bruce W. Everist (67) | Green Clinie | 709 South Vienna Street — | Ruston, Louisiana 71270 De. Janes P, Howell (68) -- Exccutive Director | Henry Ford Hospital oe . PDGLSESts Tempe oye! SS ts, Sherk Ee Milliken (68) 3 in Neurolesy HeGuecher, Minncseote Gr. Esorg: E. Mgore (68) sarecton 5 Hoowell Park Hemoriak Instisrre G66 Elm Shree BatYale 5. Bow York De. Williea J, Peeples (66) uommiesioner of Eealth + state Deparkiasnt of Eealth Stete Offsee Building 301, Hest Preston Street Baltimore, Marylend °©21201 Dr. Robert J. Slater (66) ‘Bean, College of Medicine Univereit cy of Vermont *Beridagten, Vermont ye, Cornelius H. Praeger (673 SO Park Avenue Hew York, New York . Detroit. Michigan : Be Officio Maser Dr. Willian He ‘Stewart (Chairman) . Surgeon General : L, --Public Health Service Washington, D.C. 20201 sf NiR-DRMP-CMO I. Surgeon General, PHS dune, 30, 1966 Through : Director, NIH and Chicf & - a = Agsociate Director, NYR & OF rect Division of Resional Nedical erograms Resolution passed by the Nat.onal Advisocy CouncLli on Repional . Hedicel Progrars OF Ee 2h, 1966 - ‘ - At its regular meeting this month, the Council discussed the audio-visual i: portion of the Communicatie Disease Center in 1! ight of the reorganization i of the Public health Service, t “The Council believes that cue CDC audio-visual program is important t to the future development of the Regionai Medical Programs, and hopes L naat the administrative and funding support necessary te strengthen 7 this program will be forthconing." The Council unanimously recommended that this resolution be transmitted to you, This Division concurred with this resolution. | Ake Nee cae ae - Dr. Marston - pS Mr. Yordy De. Brewer Mr. Beattie co - ot Dr. Sloan . NI-DRMP-CHO Surgeon General, FES June 30, 1966 Through : Directer, NIH Associate Director, NIH, and Chief, Division of Regional Medical Programs Reporting Highlights of the ‘ourth meeting of the National Advisery Council on Regional Medical Progrumc, June 20-21, 1966 At the fourth meeting of this Council, 11 planning grants were revieved. Of these, the Council made the following recommendations: 3 were recommended for approval 2 were recomm-nded for disapproval 6 ware recommended for deferral The Council recommended thut the staff of this Division have discussions with each applicant prior to making an award, in order to negotiste any problems which were discussed by the Council. The applications from the H:alth Research Inc., on behalf of the New York State Department of Health, and the California Coordination Agency for Training, Research, Education, and Demonstration in the field of Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke, and Related Diseases, raise the legal and policy questions of approval of requests for planning to be carrfed out on two levels. First, thit plinning directed to the establishment of a Regional Medical Program, and secondly, planning to be carried on to coordinate the efforts of 4 number of Regional Medical Programs. Project site visits with Council und stuff participation will be arranged to explore this question further. Robert Q. Marston, M.D. ees Dr. Marston Mr. Yordy Dr. Brewer Mr. Beattie Dr. Sloan