NEW FILE BEGINS Dee #40 B&B INFORMATION & IMAGE MANAGEMENT 309 Pewee GQroruer’s BoULZEvaRnD UPPER MaRLeORD, MARYLAND 20772 © UBA © (3D13) 249-5115 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. ZDUCATZON, AND WECE iRE Public Health Service National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland AGENDA Seventh meeting of the WATIONAL \DVESORY COUNCIL ON REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Conference Roem 4, Bldg. 31 8:00 p.m- '-bruary 19, 1967 ; ; 8:30 a.m , Pubruary 20-21, 1967 ° felep.: ..».: 496-6161 £, CALL TO ORDER ND OPENING REMARKS IY, i\NNOUNCEMENTS ITY. CONSIDERATION OF FUTURE MEETING DATES Iv. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 1966 MEETING ~----- -----Tab I V¥. PROGRESS REPORT ON, “SURGEON GENERAL'S REPORT TO CONGRESS--~-Mr. ckerman Vi. COMMENTS FROM LIAISON MEMBERS VIL. REPORT ON ALL \PPLIC\TIONS WHICH WERE CONSIDERED .T THE NOVEMBER COUNCIL MEETING--~-------------~~-~------------------- ee eee Mr. Yordy VILL. FOLLOW-UP I SSCUSSION ON CONTRACTS IX. CONSXDERATION OF OPERATIONAL GRANT APPLICATIONS X. CONSIDERATION OF PLANNING GRANT APPLICATIONS XL. ADJOURNMENT Dr. Leonard D. Fenninger February 16, 1967 Director, Bureau of Health Manpower Associate Director, NIH, and Chief, Division of Regional Medical Prograus February 19-21 Meeting of the Regional Medical Programs National Advisory Council ; For your information, attached are the summery statements covering the applications which were considered at the January 14-15 meeting of the Regional Medical Programs Review Coomittee. These recommendations will be presented to the Mational Advisory Council on Regional Medical Programs at its February 19-21 meeting to be held in Conference Room #4, Building 31, National Iastitutes of Health, Bethesda, Md., beginning at 8:00 p.m. February 19. Robert Q. Marston Attachments: 802 BM 00051-01 ~ Memphis $02 RM 00052-01 ~ Arkansas 802 BM 00053-01 - Michigan 802 RM 00053-0151 - Michigan S02 RM 00054-01 - Maine $02 RM 00055-01 - Arizona $02 RM 00056-01 - St. Louis, Bi- State S02 BM 00057-01 - Mississippi $02 RM 00058-01 ~ New York $02 BM 00012-01R - Oregon 802 BM 00026-O1R - UGSC, Phila., Pa. 802 RM 00003-0181 ~ Vermont 80Z RM 00019-0181 - California $03 BM 00002-01 - Kansas $03 BM 00004-01 - Albany, N.Y. 803 EM 00009-01 - Missouri S03 RM 00009-0181 ~- Missouri 803 BM 00009-0182 - Missouri 803 BM 00015-O1 - Utah Lkyttlestr Ft GD fet pet et Ld Bet et pet pet pet eet ped fed ed et Mr. John L. Pendleton February 16, 1967 Office of Grants Management and Coordination Mational Center for Chronic Disease Control Associate Director, NIH, and ‘ Chief, Division of Regional Medical Programs February 19+21 Meeting of the Regional Medical Programs National Advisory Council For your information, attached are the summary statements covering the applications which were considered at the January 14-15 meeting of the Regional Medical Programs Review Coamittee. These recommendations will be presented to the National Advisory Council on Regional Medical Programs at its February 19-21 meeting to be held in Conference Room #4, Building 31, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md., begimning at 8:00 p.m. February 19. Robert Q. Marston, H.D. Attachments: 1 S02 BM 00051-01 - Memphis $02 RM 00052-01 - Arkansas $02 RM 00053-01 - Michigan S02 BM 00053-0151 ~ Michigan S02 RM 0005401 - Maine $02 EM 00055~-01 - Arizona S02 BM 00056-01 - St. Louis, Mo. S02 BM 00057-O1 - Mississippi 802 BM 00053-01 - New York S02 EM 00012-01R - Gregon S02 BM 00026-OIR ~ USCS, Phila., Pa. $02 BM 00003-0181 - Vermont . $02 BM 00019-0181 ~ California SO3 RM 00002-°01 - Kansas . 303 RM 00004-01 - Albany, N.Y. . $03 RM 00008-01 ~ Missour! a $03 BM 00009-0181 ~ Missouri ‘ 803 BM 00009-0182 - Missouri 503 RM 00015-01 - Bah BP CAE LD pet prt pet LAD UD fed Ped pet peek feed pet et bah pent poet ces Dr. Richard A. Prindle LKyttle:tr Dr. Martin M. Cummings February 16, 1967 Director, National Librery of Medicine Agsociate Director, WIA, and Chief, Division of Regional Medical Programs Februsry 19-21 Meeting of the Regional Medical Programs Rational Advisory Council For your information, attached are the summary statements covering the applications which vere considered at the January 1415 meeting of the Regional Medical Programs Review Comittee. These recomeendations will be presented to the National Advisory Council on Regioual Medical Programs at its February 19-21 meeting to be held in Conference Room #4, Building 31, Mational Inmetitutes of Sealth, Bethesda, Md., beginning at 8:00 pom. Fobruary 19. Robert Q. Marston, M.D. Attachments: $02 WM 60051-01 - Memphis 62 BM 00052-01 ~ Arkansas 02 BM 00055-01 ~ Kichigen BH OCO53-0181 - Michigen RH 00034-01 - Meine BH 00055-01 <- Arisona BM 00056-01 - St. Louis, Me. BM 00057-01 » Missiasippi RM 00058-01 ~ Mew Yark BM 00012018 = Oregon RM 00026-O1R8 - USCS, Phile., Pa. MH 00003-0151 ~ Vermont RM 00019-0151 - Californte RM 00002-01 - Kansas RM 00004-0232 ~ Albany, N.Y. BM 6000901 ~ Missouri RM O000$-O151 ~ Missourt RM 00009-0182 - Missouri RM 00015-01 ~ Breh al lh od el el oe ee oe ee ee SSSSSSReesexeerun SS8EBSSR8BSRSSS www 8&8 Lkyttle:tr Dr. Carruth J. Wagner February 16, 1967 Director, Bureau of Health Services Agssoclate Director, NIH, and Chief, Division of Regional Medical Programs February 19-21 Meeting of the Regional Medical Programs Nationa Advisory Council . For your information, attached are the summary statements covering the applications which were considered at the January 14-15 meeting of the Regional Medical Programs Review Committee. These recommendations will be presented to the National Advisory Council on Regional Medical Programs at its February 19-21 meeting to be held in Conference Room #4, Building 31, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md., beginning at 8:00 p.m. February 19. Robert Q. Marston Attachments: 1 502 RM 00051-01 - Memphis 1 SO2Z RM 00052+01 + Arkansas 1 802 BM 00053-01 - Michigan 3 802 RM 00053-01851 - Michigan 1 S02 RM 00054-01 - Maine 1 S02 RM 00055-01 + Arizona 1 $02 RM 00056-01 + St. Louts, Mo. 1 §02 RM 00057-01 ~ Mississippi 1 S02 RM 00058-01 - New York 1 802 BM 00012-01R - Oregon 1 S02 RM 00026-O01R - UCSC, Phila., Pa. 3 $02 RM 00003-0181 ~- Vermont 3 802 RM 00019-0181 ~ California 1 §03 RM 00002-01 - Kansas 1 803 RM 00004-01 - Albany, N.Y. 1 $03 RM 00009-01 ~ Missouri 3 §03 RM 00009-0181 + Missouri 3 S03 RBM 00009-0182 - Missouri 1 803 RM 00015-01 - Utah LKyttle:tr MEMORANDUM —_— ss =m ee ee ee oe ee ee oe NIH-DRMP-CMO ox} °o National Advisory Council on DATE: February 2, 1967 Regional Medical Programs FROM : Committee Management Officer Division of Regional Medical Programs SUBJECT: Summary sheets and Assignment sheet for meeting of National Advisory Council, February 19-21, 1967 As a follow-up on our memorandum of January 24, enclosed are the summary sheets on the planning grant applications which will be reviewed at the February Council meeting, Summary statements on the operational applications are being prepared and will be forwarded to you as soon as possible, Enclosed also are the assignments of specific responsibilities for each Council member. Eva M. Handal Enclosures