Mrs. Martha L. Phillips August 2%, 1367 Chief, Grants Review Branch, DRMP Mrs. Jessie F. Salazar Public Health Advisor Items of Follow-up Interest at August 28-29, 1967 Council In the discussion of the status of on-going RMP grants, and particularly those that are now in the -C2 year, the subject of carryover of funds was mentioned. Dr. Marston indicated that it might be a good idea to look into this with a view to ascertaining what factors contribute to such unexpended sums. The list below shows a range of $50,465, in the case of Albany, to $864,000 for Texas in unobligated balances: RM No. Region Unobligated Balance C00] Hawaii $ 741,133 60002 Ransas 108,332 00003 No. New England 134,995 GOCC4& Albany 50,465 00006 North Carolina 209,151 (+ 75,000 supp.) 00007 Texas 864,000 00068 Connecticut 325,203 CG0G9 Missouri 86 ,843 00015 Utah (Intermountain) 211,324 00018 Tennessee Mid-South 65,900 Dr. Marston mentioned the difficulty encountered by most Regions in staffing, and another factor is that local medical societies meet fairly infrequently. Since the representation to the RMP must report back to the parent organization, unavoidable delays are incurred. I think that perhaps we should look at the new batch of continuations with this in mind (and perhaps a quick glance backward to those already awarded an -02) to see if any identifiable patterns emerge. In particular, it would seem to be important to pay close attention to the regions (i.e., staffing, expenditures, etc.) with unobligated balances in the early monthe of the -02 year. Jessie F. Salazar tc: Mrs. Kyttle JFSalazar/1bg