MEMORANDUM TO : DRMP Staff - See Attached List DATE: February 23, 1968 FROM : Mrs. Martha L. Phillips, Chief, Grants Review Branch _ SUBJECT; Additional Application Books Material For February 26~27 Council Attached are the following materials: % GOX PM 00005-0183 Missouri - Application and tab, This is the new ‘Version of the printed application which was mentioned in our February L6th memorandum, It - expands. the narkative presentation of the pivposais, partieularly the Tumor Registry Network, 1.603 RM 00012-01 Oregon ~ Additional materials which were developed , . by the region for the site visit team, The reconmendations of the January 11°12 ‘Review Committee require that the following applications be returned to Committee before presentation to Council: - 3 GO3 RM 00009-0281 Missouri 1 G02 BM 00065-01 “Puerte Rice 1 G03 RM 00034-01 New Mexico 1 G03 RM 00050-01 Syracuse 3, G02 RM 00050-0251 . Syracuse Therefore, these applications ‘will not be ‘considered at February 26~27 ‘Council meeting, Updated Staff materials on these. applications will be Sent to you before ' the April 18-19 Review Committee meeting.. Please keep your printed copies of these applications for the April Commftter Meeting. DISTRIBUTION LIST: Miss Abrams Mr. Ackerman Mr. Alpert Mr. Anderson Mr. Beattie © Dr. Bodenheimer Dr, Carnes Dr, Carollo Mr. Cavarocchi Mr. Clepper Dr. Conley Miss Conrath _ Mr. Curry Dr. Davis Mr. Fox Mr. Friedlander Mrs, Fuller Dr. Gerber Mrs. Geisbert Dr. Golde Mr. Goldman Dr. Hamilton Mrs. Handal Mr. Hellickson Mr. Hinkle Mr, Hiatt Mr, Hilsenroth Dr. Husted . Mr. Karel Mr. Kinser Dr. Klieger Mr. Koontz Mrs. Kyttle Mr. Lee Dr. Manegold Mrs. McDonald Mr. McNiff Dr. Marston Dr. Mathewson Miss Morrill Miss Nelson Dr. O'Bryan Mr. Odoroff Mr. O'Flaherty : Mrs, Paul Mr. Peterson Mrs. Phillips Miss Resnick Mrs. Sadin Mrs, Sylazar Dr, Schmidt - Dr. Schneider Miss Shouse Mrs. Silsbee Dr. Sloan Dr. Stephenson Mr, Strachocki ‘Dr. Tapp Mrs. Teller Mr. Teets Miss Turner Mr. Van Nostrand Mr. Walsh Mr. Yordy