dN TION § Oo J POPORY Sys" S i (ISS) VPROL AND EVALUATION" Tuly b, 1070 ~ Amal Cost: $110,000 PRs ba pee! oneal Medical Program cevaluntion fot usually Cnarect Orch have been t date, 7 conduct of 3 of 258 intone feyisoy Several £ bad eftccts reports % in making and "leaders" in their areas. ¢ c yyams were reticent about the fiews done in their Reelons. he interviews have bec helpful links between the programs tviews has now been analyzed. This, from the inter together w ation collected threuch the analysis of such documents as prant apphi sons, newspapers, and newsletters will form the basis of individual ts to cach Repional Medical Program and a summary 1 report to the feedback reports ‘contain information about problems s and changes in the health care system that are perceived by respondents in the region, It will also contain discussions of key health care leaders in the region and allocation of Regional Nedical:} Program resources. sion of Regional Medical Program Services. The