x MoTs.-DO NOT USE THIS ROUTE SLIP TO @HOW FORMAL CLEARANCES OR APPROVALS TO Japa. AGENCY BLDG. ROOM Lae APPROVAL =] REVIEW (1 PER CONVERSATION CU SIGNATURE © () NOTE AND SEE ME [1] AS REQUESTED (J COMMENT —«) NOTE AND RETURN /[Y-HECESSARY ACTION (1 FOR YOUR INFORMATION CC PREPARE REPLY FOR SIGNATURE OF aa Tae goto by (VALE = (Fotd here for return) To MPS. “Eva Handal~ ~~~ TTT From Committee Management Officer, DRMP PHONE BUILDING ROOM rrou wEw-s0 rev.itss RROOUTE SLIP cro:is—o-scsees MEMO RAN D UM DEPARTMENT Beer acta SERVICE AND WELFARE TO FROM SUBJECT: HEALTH SERVICES AND MENTAL HEALTH ADMINISTRATION HSMHA Committee Management Officers DATE: November 2, 1971 Chief, Committee Management Staff Suggested Women Attached are biographies that were suggested by Mrs. Patricia R. Hitt, Assistant Secretary for Com~ munity and Field Services and previously sent to you on March 27, 1969 to be circulated to professional staff in your organization for consideration. Because of the Secretary's Affirmative Action Plan of September 29, the biographies of Mrs. Peal P. Coulter, Mrs. Elizabeth Doumit, Mrs. Kris Anne Bogelpohl and Mrs. Beverly K. Bain are again being sent to you for consideration. Please advise this office if a candi- date is selected. OM Sooner NL Beal VY. APP LAA VLA Trene D. Skinner Attachments t ws cere - an oe , . oe / . . . orhigs NAME Aen ee = Vv: .Qirs. Pearl Pantin Coulter—____) Apprrss The University of Arizona College or Nursing - Tucson, Arzona 85721 GENERAL INFORMATION: _Date ‘of Birth: August 19, 1902. Almyra, Arkansas. (Personal, Widow, Present title: Professor of Nursing and Professional, -Dean_ ‘Emeritus, U,_of Arizona, College of Nursing Major field(s) of | Public Health Nursing, General Nursing Education and interest) -Administrat -ion Nursing Reseatch, EDUCATION: University of Denver, A.B. Bio. Sci. Major 1926 University of Denver, M.S. Bio. Sci. Major 1927 University of Colo. Diploma_in-Nursing 1935 Cert. in P.H.N. Peebody College 1936 ° Qf Yale Univ. Dept. of Public Health, Grad. Student, 184 CIVIC, POLITICAL, : ‘ PHILANTHROPIC, SOCIAL ACTIVITIES: Women for Nixon-Agnew National Advisory Committee fe, . 4 vw mee ‘ [. | | i ; ‘ ~. ; | HONORARY AND ACADEMIC Recepient of Pearl McIver Public Health Nurse Award, ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS: 1962. "Awarded by the Public Health Nurses Section of the American Nurses' Association for outstanding service in the field of Public Health," cog newt manne niente oeitetadmma sennameae iinet te ARAL NNN REE RON th « _ PUBLICATIONS: SEE ATTACHED: Publications Book: The Nurse in the Public Health Program. G. P. Putnam's ~™ Sons, 1954. ‘ oe _ Pamphlet: The Winds of Change: A Progress Report of Regional Cooperation in Collegiate Nursing Education in the -West, 1956-1961. Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education. 1963. 4 Monograph: With Amalia Leino, Validation of the Collegiate Nursing Curriculum Through Use of the Critical Incident, Laramie, Wyoming; Publication Section, Division of Adult Education and Community Service; University of Wyoming. December, 1965. Articles: With Hannah Erikson, "New Patterns for Field Instruction in Public Health Nursing. "Nursing Outlook." February, 1956. MNewer Trends in Nursing Education." The Florida Nurse, March-April, 1958. . "The Value of the Health Council in Program Development." Military Medicine. November, 1958, "The Teaching-Learning Process in Nursing Education." Nursing Outlook. October, 1960. _ " New Ways in Patient Care-~Implications “for Nursing Education,."' Proceedings, Third Annual Conference, Western Council on Higher Education for Nursing. Conference Proceedings. March, 1960. “Continuing Education Program for Nurses in the West." Nursing Outlook, February, 1962. "ynow All Things-Serve All People." Arizona ~ Medicine. February, 1962. "Inservice and Continuing Education for Nurses." Hospital Progress. December, 1963. , "watch Them Grow.'' Arizona Nurse. September~ October, 1964. nots -3- "'pesearch and Education--A Symbiotic Relationship." Arizona Nurse. September-October, 1965. NRecruitment is an Age of Change." In "This I Believe!’ Department, Nursing Outlook. April, 1966. "An Experiment in Preparation for the University of Arizona's Nursing College." Arizona Nurse. November~December, 1966. Ly "Programming for Nursing Service," Nursing Outlook. September, 1967. "rhe Board of Nursing's Responsibility in the Department of Nursing Fducation Programs for Future Needs. Proceedings: Educational Conference for Members and Professional Employees of State Boards of Nursing. 1967. Final Report-Statewide Survey of Clinical . Facilities for Nursing Education in Arizona, August 1968. 36 pages. ee ’ a . % . % ° ‘ : t ee Toast wol4tl ~ ot 4 Tee : - Foo wa ~ re co an . bic ue vs * 7 . . oo": me, att . . . at . - @ * - : . . ¢ tos 7 oe nh .. em y7- SAF i 2 ' a - ; eles £4 ce) . 7 y ! , . NAME Mrs, Mitchell Doumit . 4 |. Co 7 (Mrs. Sd ADDRESS Cathlamet, Viashington 98612 oe ~ born in above city, 1/6/09 Phone; 206/795-3231 or 206/795-3304 TO Pony tye er ame a a orua tion on Attached Li AON EY ae pe ca ct e Pisase find inf [Rep repr emeersyen rma re Oe greene memes reg conerine al enmterggsay nit UE SICH, : . eo : . - * . ’ y - . i . tote vf - 2 “Te . ~ . 8 . 7 : * , mate tnech sac Uber ata feta Nineteen eee meetin aie tine ae athe weet he He v ~ . ‘ Biography Outliné- Mrs. Mitchell Doumit (Elizubeth Jane Foster Doumit Husband- Mitchell Doumit- Attorney and seef Farmer Daughter= sary Bligabeth Thomas~, living in Germany with her husband, Captain John Thomas, U. 3. sir Force Gpandchildren= Two girls and one boy- children of Mary Thomas Education: , Attended University of Wasiington, Seattle, Washington Longview Business College Voc ations ; High Schcol Librarian- 1945-47 . Bookkeeper 19464 Tneome Tax accounting 195S= (iias own office) activities: States to Write House Conference on Children and Youth 1950 Dele gute Member of Wush. State Council for Children and Youth 1952-58 Parst Woraun Chairman of Council Member Advisory Bouri for State Schools for Kentully Netarded 1956-58 Member advisory Hourd for Stute Schools for Llind and veur 1056-60 xember Executive Comaittes for Wish. Gov's Mental Hexlth Survey Coma. It tember Cov's Committee on Olympic Nutional Forest Member Executive Committee of Wash. State Nepub. Central Comm. 1948-50 Presidents Wash. Stute Fed. of. “Iomen's Clubs 1951-55 Legislation Chairman o? Wash. Stute Fed. of Women's Cluods Treasurer of Wash, tate ied. of wormen's Clubs Rndovment Fund Trustee Wash. Stute Fed. of ‘lomen!s Clubs Resolutions Chairman of Wish. State Fed. of Women's Cluvs Regional: Parliementarian yestern States Conference (12 Western States) Treasurer of “estern States Conference Prasident of Western States Conference 196870 Co-Chairman for 4estern 3tates for Nixon in 1960 National: \ President of National Club of Past State Presidents President of National Club- The sahlerenites Secretary-treasur er Mid-Contury Presidents 1968-70 Nominuting Comiitiee for General Federation of Women's Clubs Resolutions Committee Cnairmun Gener:l Fed. of ‘Yomen's Clubs 1964-66 Member of Resolutions Committee of Gen. ved. “oments Clubs many years Public Affairs Department Chairman Gen, Fed. Women’s Clubs 1968-70 Standard Review Committee-U. Se Department of Commerce 1969 Member of National Group of 100 Women for Nixon -1968= Gen. Ped. of “omen's Clubs Citation 1956 Recipient of Member of Legislation Committee of Gen, Ped. of Women's Clubs 1966-68 Locals 4-H Leaner . Pirss Girl Scout Leuder in Cuthlamet 2 ; President Cathlanet Woman's Club . President of smerican legion Auxiliary. oe, State Committeenan of County Repur lican Varty ~ Chairman of Charity Drives and other Commmity Endeavors Listed inz:"vho's vVho of American Nomen" "Wirots Who in Nashingten State" a rn Barwa DT Rt Arminia ul Mrs. Elmer B. Vogelpohl, Jr. (Kris Anne) 8 Alder Circle . Galveston, Texas 77550 ‘Born: Trinidad, Colorado, December 25, 1926 Mrs. Vogelpohl attended Iowa State Universiry and did graduate work and received her dietetic internship at the Universiry of Colorado Medical School, She stayed on the teaching staff at the University prior to accepting a position as head dietician for 5 years with the Atomic Energy Commission at Los Alamos, the birthplace of the first atomic bomb. She then accepted a position as. chief therapeutic djetician at the University of Texas Medical School. After her marriage to Dr. E. B. Vogelpohl, she accepted a less time-consuming position as instructor in nutrition at the. University of Texas Medical Branch. She had served as President of the New Mexico Dietetic Association and also was a delegate to the International Congress for Dietetics — and Nutrition in Rome, Italy in 1956. She has served on the Executive Boards of American Association of University Women, League of Women Voters, Galveston County Guidance Center, and President of Galveston YWCA. While in New Mexico, she served as State Nutrition Chairman, and also on the Hospital Associa- tion Planning Committee and the Medical Laison Committee. She was the official hostess to her Highness, Queen Frederica of Greece when Her Highness was the guest of the Atomic Energy Commission at Los Alamos in New Mexico. She has served as arrangements chairman for the 59th annual conference of the Texas Social Welfare Association, which involved 24 social agencies such as the Red Cross, Jr. League, Family Service, Salvation Army and YWCA and YMCA. In the spring of 1962, she was selected outstanding | Citizen of Galveston County and was recipient of the Penelope of the Year award in 1962, She has had publications in the Journal of the American Hospital Association and has written articles on nutrition for different association magazines. She has also developed a special feeding program in case of disaster for the University of Texas Medical Branch. ‘ Mrs. Vogelpohl has served two terms as National Committeewoman of the Young Republicans of New Mexico. In 1966 she hosted a cocktail party for the Honorable George e -2- Bush with over 350 in attendance, In the late summer of 1964 she organized a motorcade through the city and to the beach where an old-fashioned rally was held for Mr. Bush in his bid for the Senate. She is presently serving on the Board of Directors of the Galveston County Day-Care Center, Mental Health, Trinity Episcopal Day School, Bay Area Heart Association, Galveston County Medical Auxiliary of which she is President, Family Service Group of the American Field Service, and is Vice- President of the Philoptohos Society of the Greek Orthodox Church and is district representative for this group. She is a charter member and one of the first officers of the Los Alamos Toast Mistresses International. She has organized and helped with major community drives such as the United Fund, Mental Health, Cancer Crusade, and Heart Fund Drives. She is serving as Publicity and Arrangements co-chairman for the. Texas Episcopal School Association Conference which will be = held in Galveston in October. She also is serving as a pre- cinct judge. _ She is married to Dr. E. B. Vogelpohl who is in the private practice of internal medicine and cardiology and +5 a-clinical instructor at the University of Texas Medical ‘ Branch. At present he is serving as Vice-President of the Greek Orthodox Church of Galveston and is chairman of the "Galveston Alumni Rice Endowment Fund. In addition to serving on numerous medical committees and three hospital staffs, she is a member of the Chamber of Commerce, The Vogelpchls are the parents of two children, Elizabeth Ann, age 7, and William George, age 5%, Lo yA aT TG ReESUpis Pew ohpks emreety KOMNARES BATN m7 BEYVE! Lad DY ak NOUS BAIN, oO, TR. Q yay w sep Ia 4 [wtape tw ON. Soverly Kosugres Bain (Mes. Jonn N.) Deved Hay 42 Vest a ys PRLEPHONS s (201) 731-9415. « fe = 1363 Pleasant Valley Way West Orange, New Jersey ODerepral Palsy Reh b vitute a on inst ospital aon G at New Je rsey Orthopacad Orange, New Jersey’ : 7 wa , rit my ; rr » PROFESSION gistered Oceupatsona 1 Therapises j : ° . wy RL BN: . September 4, .1929 Mpiaidad, Colorado” MARRIED: John N. Bain, October 3 21, 1959 CHILDREN: Karin Mae. Bain, Born July 30, 1960 naary Public Schools, . -¢, AA 1947-1949 ie wnt age seer Aten sem oo colorado college BoA. 1949-1951 , erus cee Scholarsnio i : Dorni vory President — . Dormitory Governing Eoard . nang © Gamma Pai Beta fsocial), Treasurer. Elected “Woman oF Pomorrow". a University of Southern California 1951-1953 Certificate in Occupational Therapy Teained in: we ; Los Angeles County Hospital - ~ “OQrshopaedic Hospital, Los Angeles, California Brentwood VV. A, Hospital ~ Harbor General Hospital, norrance, California Fellow of U.C.L.A . Sellow of Warm Sp American Cecupati i. Brae jac New Jersey Occupational taerapy Association “ON ri . hal 5 ae) 2 a : a “4 set t ° Oo. cS ps Q a . ah ad ot oO wo 0 oo] ee) 1 £2 > er & t4 0 “3 a] as SG MH Qed Qo wed eel oO ao no OQ Q C4 OS sp eK TO Qi © oO ° od & YM suo LA eet Ka vu) Y rt Ss eed AHO a 2 Ww Sard Sap ri i535 4 oe cst : = OE GS ter @ Qaed Qs Oy “4 a ON fa cS oy as - v2 ris at O Pari gy cy 424 GF $4 42 49 a Y Q aoao “ th O Od & <2 ¢ & ooodnvo a ™moO04 \O Hes iH slit “Oo oS oD <> ° qd E94 G4 ON rot acd a co Oo a oO ct Gy 42 oS Chit Pe” ia) o Oe 2 on & ct ns Oo Oo moO fs O WM 3 oy OS Pr et Os ood oo ov S fa Et + ay. 4 Ey 42, W2@ O41 Ooo @ ‘ct QQ w w C§ SG y me Gy Qu Oa Or OL 0 "1-4 wim o 3 iu Gg nO Ms =3 73 YH ad Kieterl OO DBO WW O° a Do) oO 10 Oo : c 1 YO OS w 0 oO AO 844 Re NTA ve) & © © ad2ord 12 G4 © &% al $3 S So a3 Rect @ecd DA a Om 2 ack &> x ts 32 Sp Je SQ 42 8 OM favie are) 6 Q@) TAT OP S40 O MD 4 Se G4 Ww @ a oO m OP A 5 CU 4 i St wT £4 6 O @ Qs uy a "Sa wd Oo Gs bp if ocd a Std cl wy nO ODO Qo aye € fe Ud ed M4 Ook a Oo Qe 2 nOOW OO vic my G4 GS OR 3 2 Qrt OR nmorPpg Gu de oo°0 og sp uw sSUeLP Od ® Qu Oe G orl n rine 3 G Ra 2 Geel oO » 4) Ss Hor 4> f DIN DB 'm'D wo QP aD ot vw ° rid = oO FINS & ou Ss Sard Se og Gt “oO 3 84 wv Ww Oeleba gos DOME UM ol © Gq 2 4> © o«c i! get 3 by MM Orel vcd “) ~O M4 Oo YD at 12d n f_ any non can n oO a tN) YO 1 OON DO YQ “2 og wa SX Orde hq ES iS fry fy 4 oy Pa \ (ve) ca ‘ oO as . 4 ~ 4 ret t Co mu versity, ni U 959) ers ? (2 s v -Rutv herapy 1 ional ‘ ecupation oO 4 ca aw or of 2 n Journal of ae a u at Au Deo wt a CN APB ent 3 : : "3 ; rt oo * oe QO ° —_— f4 oO “> ® & aQ 3 Oo W ao “as ra G u& . ui Ook SQ Oo . as So @ aOUGN G4 GS ct , wo my int O° “ ct . ma Qu ~~ / fe a . wu Cu qo “cA _& Qu. : a OS 2 @% Ou OA = ete SS » CS. ‘ GS o- 'G ce 0 © OQ. - Wat $y ir “A ; iS 34S WQ oD -— 42 co cy Oo 0 YO oO my Lk - : - cA © fy \O . oS . ? 4 OO q mn GN HG ad cS Ag ed © S co G i > O — oO ~~ ‘yo Sy ue 2} 63 oO eed Q. oO : ‘ - 3 (8a a <8 na Sa, cd “Oo GH ‘ BD cds 42 ct © ‘ 3 OIL & 3 wa seed So t re @ ot 13 oO |, os qT, PO s3 G oY © 2 eo : a oO Goo G : “ct 3 : . — CO. WY whe >. Que wt Ga 8 > S4 WM: 4° : : “foo > @ Oo a Sfori O cb) £2 -y Ss . ot whos 4rd Sy Ln Gy . ord - OR fT. oO > — mm Sy ao Oo D> on . > = - Ou os & f * : . ys 49 wy wy O ” SS oO” CON = G47 SO Oo SQ OS - > te ct w ‘ ch 3f Slo as 12 AG Ne ete + my Bro S SG @ an "3 Nat aS & G WO. Wes ; LO MDP Ww ect a 40. x 7 4 { Q eed Ww > Oo °. oe & Oy 3 ft Pet Sa AG eH O° 13 aman. oO Q om . 90 . oe a- 24 1 ty 1S GQ “er Oo aR ° GJ QO a. Oo Mecthke © © Ot fy RH. n ba ft Cate \ bit ° 7 te ed ~ BEY c4 Q