Subject: To: Date: Reply to . Alin of: m “ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE |~ : PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE ° HEALTH SERVICES AND MENTAL HEALTH ADMINISTRATION April 23, 1971 v Plan to Implement Section 907 as per your Request of March 15, 1971. Associate Administrator for Operations Plan to implement Section 907: Background: Section 907 of Public Law 91-515 states: “The Secretary, shall establish, and maintain on a current basis, a list of facilities in the United States equipped and staffed to provide the most advanced methods and techniques in the diagnosis and treatment of heart disease, cancer, stroke, or kidney disease, together with such related information, including the availability of advanced specialty training in such facilities, as he deems useful, and shall make such list or lists and related information readily available to licensed practitioners and other - persons requiring such information. To the end of making such list or lists and other information most useful, the ‘Secretary shall from time to time consult with interested - national professional organizations." We Section 907 was part of the original legislation (PL 89-239). “"Plan of Action: When the implementation of Section 907 was first considered by our National Advisory Council, it was recognized that to fulfill the requirements there was need for criteria against which to measure facilities. Thus, three contracts were awarded to establish criteria. One of these is complete; the others will be completed by July 1972. In the meantime, there are some lists and information about facilities available for heart disease, cancer, stroke and kidney disease. These are to be used to fulfill the 907 requirements. Page 2 ~ Associate Administrator for Operations In the fields of heart disease, we will use the second edition of “Special Hospital Services for Cardiovascular Disease Patients." Volume I, General Medical Services; Volume II, Special Surgical Services. This is an inventory of hospitals providing special diagnostic and therapeutic services and facilities in the area of cardiovascular disease. It quantitates both a variety of services offered and the frequency with which they are performed. ‘This will be available by July 1, 1971. (Attached is the proposed’ distribution list.) - In the field of cancer, we will use a combination of (a) the publication "Guidelines for Cancer Care" resulting from our contract with the American College of Surgeons (this outlines the appropriate personnel, facilities and organizational structure required for the- delivery of excellent cancer care); and (b) the facilities listed ip the publication "Cancer Programs Approved by the American College of Surgeons as of January 1, 1971." We shall request 100 copies from the American College of Surgeons and prepare them in a suitable mailing envelope for distribution when requested. In the field of kidney disease, the publication "Kidney Disease Services, Facilities and Programs in the United States, May 1970" lists those institutions capable of providing special services in the area of kidney disease, with special emphasis on acute and chronic dialysis facilities, kidney transplantation and advanced training _programs, This will be available by August 1971. ww Finally, in the area of stroke, the listing described for heart ‘disease will incorporate items of information regarding facilities available and services provided to stroke patients... Morever, guide- _dines for the care and treatment of stroke patients are currently peing established under a contract from the Regional Medical Programs Service. These walt be completed in July 1972. 4d Harold Margulies, M.D. Director Regional Medical Programs Service % . : e Enclosure : . ee ; we * ‘ Seen a we Fa oo lee ee. ee “4 DISHRIRUELOH. PROPOSED . a es PIS Focal Points: Res "7 20 “Rea? 150. - . Nati 5 . Eos 5 ‘ Stat 1.00 . Regs. 120 Amervican Bosnita . 50 849 Pane §S wa . . “o , Ries 280, fo ng oe *, ntl 5 . ASCSS: re hie “a Streoek ew hie 10 ey C Ynter-Socie ‘2 : 301 Fe : feu Y he Feallities 5 ite 1070 a, 4 . — .¢ ~ Q s *. - -~ - mee ‘ : . ~ , . ial . “ . . . . ° . . - x v . - . f *e 4, e @ 8 . . s, ° = : : ° - e *. oN, . wn . - . eA VP SoH OD GRO. 6€96€-$3% : Fe PIT RE aE OY ES, Coe are nee hd nd OE cate ETRE th ARE ANNE WERE ELEN A IR LES IIE OD OT RAL TCO ae ATE A 8 TM PRM AE APIA TR OT a HSL 323. 2 (4-70) . . . e