; OUTLINE FOR } REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM DECISION PAPER NOTE: This paper is being developed to prepare a Departmental position on RMP on the assumption that there has been no final decision to include RMP in Revenue Sharing. \ | Of15/72-, \ OUTLINE FOR ‘ REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM DECISTON PAPER I. DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM II. RMP ALTERNATIVES A. MISSTON ISSUE 1 What should be the future mission(role) of RMP? Lee op é . A Qe Option A - Continue as is -- flexible, variable, broad authority which encourages pro- viders to use their own initiative to bring about changes they support. DO Option B - Restrict Option A to “categorical areas" (heart, cancer, stroke, kidney): / » Option C - Agency responsible for implementing change in local delivery system (im- plementing Agency for CHP, NIH, HSMHA, etc.). (Eliminate restriction on inter- ference with practice of medicine and categorical emphasis.) la) “ Option D - Agency responsible for monitoring quality of care. Cy - FZ Option E - Agency responsible for aiding local i groups to organize and follow-up review : t activities aimed at monitoring and elevating cuolity of care. oo 7 Option LB = Elimina te proaram completely. y $ Cy Option ¢ on G - Troe ty ct bd? poli” Kine. ISSUE 2 In order to acedmolish the mission _setected,—shoutd EME. “be involved ir comtinuing edtication and -train- ang _of hea ith professionals? } “ oe Option A - Yes. Option B - Yes, but not to-duplicate efforts of NIH and BHME. Option ¢ - No. Option D - 7 dws Macher” a — B. FUNDING LSSUE 3 How should the funds be distributed? we K garment ti A - National tition bi oject. Option ati nal competiti y projec \y wil | evans Option B - Formula grant with earmarks. Option C.- Formula grant without, earmarks Option BD - Combination of formula with competition & ' , " . ' j i “oy | Pu fit cn Cem gh tedean b “4 feet } nant 4 a . i @ Cc. ADMINISTRATION, ISSUE 4 From what categories of people snould the law require representation on the Board? Option A - Providers, Consumers, Elected Officials, Low Income Consumers; Third Parties, and CHP. Option B ~ Providers, Consumers, Elected Officials, “and Low Income Consumers. Option C - Providers, Consumers, Elected Officials, and CHP. Option D - Providers, Consumers, and Low Income Consumers. , Option E - Providers.and Consumers. nF ° J gh l frends ely Issue 5 Yet Should the law prescribe a minimum maser of consumers — representatives for each Board? Option A Yes 20% Option B - Yes 33 1/3% Option C - Yes 51% _ No requirement. 1 Option D oN - \ LSSUL G ‘, . a \ | : a : . Shovld the Agency be a State governmental agency? Option A - Yes. Option B - No. web ty? . ; et) | Option C No, but governor should designate, nur ex - of Board. Option D ISSUE 7 Should the law require RMP to hold public hearings before it approves, any project? Son fabwee PbS Option A - Yes. Option B - No. | apt & Option C = Lhotd ppmer we 5 mt) ade f ww. Ark CHP tule at he" ‘aed fog) am CAPY Lape ISSUE 8 Should the law prohibit RMP from funding any project that has not been approved by the appropriate CHP review group? Li 1, OF woe fa oper bal Option A - Yes. dd oO e (pte mf LA bn HP? wy Why vob Option B - No. . ¢ be th oy) AA t Y macned ¢ a 4 rmidly fe LPN 2h pire a ao, _ . ISSUE 9 Should the _ core staff Option A - Option B - Option C - Option D - Option E - Option F - Option G - amount of money which can be limited? yes 10% Yes Yes 30% . . } Yes By Law, yes. By Administration, yes. No be used for each