Y * et ‘DvE PARTMENT 0 F HEALTH, EDUCATION AN D WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE National Institutes of Health Division of Regional Medical Programs é weet en National Advisory Council on Regional Medical Programs Minutes of Meeting April 29-30, 1966 National Institutes of Health Conference Room 114 Building l Lae naga vege DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL ON REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Minutes of Third Meet ingL/ 2/ _April 29-30, 1966 The National Advisory Council on Regional Medical Programs convened for its third meeting at 9:00 a.m., Friday, April 29, 1966, in Conference Room 114, Building 1, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. Dr. Robert Q. Marston, Associate Director, NIH, and Chief, Division of Regional Medical Programs presided. The Council members present were: Dr. Leonidas H. Berry Dr. John W. Hurst (4/29 only) Dr. Mary I. Bunting Dr. Clark H. Millikan (4/29 only) Mr. Gordon R. Cumming Dr. George E. Moore (4/29 only) ‘Dr. Michael E. DeBakey Dr. William J. Peeples (4/30 only) Dr. Bruce W. Everist ’ Dr. Robert J. Slater Dr. James T. Howell Dr. Cornelius H. Traeger Public Health Service members attending some of the sessions included: Dr. William H. Stewart, Surgeon General, PHS Dr. Ernest M. Allen, Grants Policy Officer, OSG, PHS Dr. James A. Shannon, Director, NIH Dr, Stuart M. Sessoms, Deputy Director, NIH Liaison members: Dr. Edward W. Dempsey, NIGMS Council Dr. Sidney Farber, NCI Council Dr. John B. Hickam, NHI Council (4/29 only) (Dr. A. B. Baker, NINDB Council--absent) fro ~~ Proceedings of meetings are restricted unless cleared by the Office of the Surgeon General. The restriction relates to all material submitted for discussion at the meetings, the agenda for the meetings, the supplemental material, and all other official documents. 2/ For the record, it is noted that members absent themselves from the meeting when the Council is discussing applications: (a) from their respective institutions or (b) in which a conflict of interest might occur. This procedure does not, of course, apply to en bloc actions--only when the application is under individual discussion. Others present were: It. Mr. Karl D. Yordy, Assistant Chief, DRMP Mr. Stephen J. Ackerman, Chief, Planning and Evaluation Branch, DRMP Mr. James A. Beattie, Chief, Grants Management Branch, DRMP Dr. Carl R. Brewer, Chief, Program Review Branch, DRMP Mr. Charles Hilsenroth, Executive Officer, DRMP Dr. William D. Mayer, Special Assistant to Chief, DRMP Dr. Kenneth M. Endicott, Director, NCI Dr. Robert P. Grant, Director, NHI Dr. Frederick L. Stone, Director, NIGMS Dr. J. H. U, Brown, NIGMS Dr. Jerome G. Green, NHI Dr. Murray Goldstein, NINDB Dr. R. B. Stephenson, OD-NIH Dr. Wilfred D. David, BSS Dr. C. A, Imboden, BSS Dr. Carl G. Baker, NCI ‘Dr. T. Phillip Waalkes, NCI Dr. Margaret H. Sloan, NCI Mr. Storm Whaley, Consultant, DRMP Dr. Harry F. Roberts, DRMP Dr. John R. Hamilton, III, DRMP Mr. M. E. Odoroff, DRMP Dr. Robert M. O'Bryan, DRMP Mr. Daniel J. Zwick, DRMP Mr. George M. Jarboe, OD Mr. Joseph S. Murtaugh, OD-OPP Dr. Herbert H. Rosenberg, OD-OPP Mrs. Jessie F. Salazar, DRMP Mrs. Mary V. Geisbert, DRMP GALL TO ORDER AND OPENING REMARKS i Dr. William H. Stewart, Surgeon General, Public Health Service, and Chairman, ex officio, called the meeting to order at 9:10,a.m. He gave a brief summary of legislative and budget items concerning the Public Health Service. This included information regarding appropriations, International Health Bill, State Grants Program, training, the hospital modernization bill, etc. The meeting was then turned over to Dr. Marston. ANNOUNCEMENTS Dr. Marston made general announcements about the Service Desk and luncheon. He also read the statements on, “Conflict of Interest," and, "Confidentiality of Meetings." : The Regulations have been in the Federal Register for 30 days, and there have been only a few minor suggestions, i.e., concerning patents and the definition of, "practicing physician." IIl. IV.. Vil. VIIL. CONSIDERATION OF FUTURE MEETING DATES The Council approved the following dates for future meetings: June 20-21, 1966 (reaffirmed) August 12-13, 1966 October 14-15, 1966 CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 1966 MEETING The Council unanimously recommended approval.of the Minutes of the February 24-25, 1966, meeting as written. REPORTS FROM LIAISON MEMBERS--Dr. Dempsey for NIGMS Council; Dr. Farber for NCI Council; and Dr. Hickam for Heart Council. None of the Liaison members had reports from their respective Councils. CONSIDERATION OF DRAFT GUIDELINES FOR PLANNING AND OPERATIONAL GRANTS Mr. Yordy emphasized that these were still in draft form because we have not had an opportunity to receive comments from all concerned. We will have a combined application for the planning and operational grants. These guidelines will be sent to several hundred organizations including State Departments of Health, medical schools, various health organizations, including AMA, AAMC, AHA, and others. The Council was invited to submit any written comments concerning the guidelines. CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATIONS OF AD HOC ADVISORY GROUP The Council felt that. these comments were very important for their orientation in helping to evaluate the grant applications, CONSIDERATION OF PLANNING GRANT APPLICATIONS The Council made the following recommendations on each application, with the suggestions that the Division of Regional Medical Programs staff have discussions with each applicant prior to making an award: Application No. 1-S02-RM-00001-01, University of Hawaii, College of Health Sciences, Honolulu, Hawaii, Dr. Windsor C, Cutting, Program Coordinator The Council felt that this is a precise, concise, planning grant application, and unanimously recommends approval for the time and amount. requested for two years in the amounts of $90,005 and © $91,978, plus indirect costs. Application No. 1-S02-RM-00002-01, University of Kansas, Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas, Dr. Russell C. Mills, Program Coordinator . It was the unanimous recommendation of the Council that this application be approved for the two years and the amounts requested of $180,520 and $244,036, plus indirect costs. Application No. 1-SO02-RM-00003-01, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont, Dr. Robert J. Slater, Program Coordinator There was much discussion about this application, particularly concerning the systems analysis area. The Council recommends approval of the application with the exception of the systems analysis portion which will be deferred until further review is made by a group of consultants with expertise on the subject. The remaining portion will be awarded for three years in the amounts of $191,698, $203,537, and $234,872, plus indirect costs. Dr. Slater absented himself from the room during this discussion. Application No. 1-S02-RM-00004-01, Albany Medical College of Union University, Albany, New York, Dr. Frank M. Woolsey, Jr., Program Coordinator The Council thought that this application appeared to be more "operational" than "planning," and instructed our staff to separate these aspects of operation and planning within this application, and to clarify the extent to which the application proposed support of ongoing activities. Also, the staff is to seek a suitable basis for supporting a planning actiwity and to conduct a mail ballot of the Council. The amounts requested were: $267,679, $251,575, and $252,486, plus indirect costs. Application No. 1-SO2-RM-00005-01, Cornell University Medical » College, New York, N.Y., Dr. John E. Deitrick, Program Coordinator It was the consensus of the Council that this is an incomplete application because an advisory group has not yet been designated. Further, the application appears to be operational rather than planning, and there is a great deal of emphasis on cancer. This application was administratively withdrawn from further consideration. Dr. Traeger absented himself during this discussion. Application No. 1-S02-RM-00006-01, Duke University, Durham, North Cerolina, Dr. Harvey Smith, Program Coordinator The Council expressed concern about several aspects of this application including the need for clarification of the identity and status of the applicant organization. The Council recommends that the operational phase be deleted, and that a mail ballot be 5 made after our staff has had discussions with the applicant. The amounts requested were $900,048, and $979,933, plus indirect costs. Application No. 1-S02-RM-00007-01, University of Texas, Baylor ‘University and the Methodist Hospital, Houston, Texas, Drs. Raymond D. Pruitt, and R.- Lee Clark, Program Coordinators Since the application involves large operational activities, the Council recommended elimination of the operational phase of the proposal, then have a mail ballot to make the final recommendation. The amounts requested were $1,461,306, $1,577,252, and $133,989, plus indirect costs. Dr. DeBakey absented himself during this discussion. Application No. 1-S02-RM-00008-01, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, and University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Hartford, Connecticut, Dr. Robert P. Lawton, Program Coordinator The Council enthusiastically recommends approval of this and stated that it is a model application. The request is for $344,796 and $352,659, plus indirect costs. Application No. 1-S02-RM-00009-01, University of Missouri Scheol of Medicine, Columbia, Missouri, Dr. Vernon E. Wilson, Program Coordinator The Council recommends complete approval in the amounts of $332,130, $294,500, and $294,500, plus indirect costs. Dr. Mayer absented himself during this discussion. Application No. 1-S02-RM-00010-01, University of Wisconsin Medical School, Madison, Wisconsin, Dr. Peter L. Eichman, a Program Coordinator, and Application No. 1-S02-RM-00011-01, Marquette University School of Medicine, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Dr. John S. Hirschboeck, Program Coordinator Because of the great dependence on systems analysis and the lack of much information concerning these two applications, the Council recommended deferral of both, and suggested that the applicants be advised that they may wish to submit a revised application for future consideration. IX. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 2:35 p.m., April 30, 1966. I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the foregoing minutes and attachments are accurate and complete. . fF if Abie, io : Robert Q. Marston, M.D. Associate Director, NIH, and Chief, Division of Regional Medical Programs “Eva M. Handal, Recording Secretary Council Assistant, DRMP ’ REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS COUNCIL MEMBERS 6/9/66 Dr. Leonidas H. Berry Professor, Cook County Graduate School of Medicine, and Senior Attending Physician Michael Reese Hospital 412 E. 47th Street Chicago, Illinois 60653 Dr. Mary I. Bunting President, Radcliffe College Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Mr. Gordon R. Cumming Administrator, Sacramento County Hospital 2315 Stockton Boulevard Sacramento, California Dr. Michael E. DeBakey Professor and Chairman Department of Surgery College of Medicine Baylor University Houston, Texas 77025 Dr. Bruce W. Everist Green Clinic 709 South Vienna Street Ruston, Louisiana 71270 Dr. James T. Howell Executive Director Henry Ford Hospital Detroit, Michigan 48202 Dr. John Willis Hurst Professor and Chairman Department of Medicine Emory University School of Medicine Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dr. Clark H. Millikan Consultant in Neurology Mayo Clinic Rochester, Minnesota 55902 Dr. George E. Moore Director Roswell Park Memorial Institute 666 Elm Street Buffalo 3, New York 14203 Dr. William J. Peeples Commissioner of Health State Department of Health State Office Building 301 West Preston Street Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Dr. Robert J. Slater Dean, College of Medicine University of Vermont Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dr. Cornelius H. Traeger 799 Park Avenue New York, New York 10021 Ex Officio Member Dr. William H. Stewart (Chairman) Surgeon General Public Health Service Bethesda, Maryland 20014