TO | FROM SUBJECT: “Council Actions +ayp aye it *ROINGVLESIN : : . ’ WED SLA LIS GUVILIKINMEN 2b | PPLE SUN LDS LIN A Wd BRA hy EUR LUN SRA UT aon Mh emmovanaumn -« PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE SEE BELOW Acting Associate Director for Grant and Contract Policy, DRMP ct) Lp aw eR ede Mees cng pene om ate iy oh ONE Per eet tt A an res Attached is an advance copy of Section IX-C of the Minutes of the May meeting of the National Advisory Couneil which records “the recommended _ actions on grant applications. . . In ‘using this information, pleasé keep the following in mind: ‘2. These are the actions and the amounts recommended. — The decisions as to which are awarded, to what extent, and when, are made by the Director, RMPS. 2. The Director's decisions on funding will be recorded fn a series of memos numbered in sequence and distributed. 3. Specific conditions and contingencies relative to the recommendations are recorded here only when they differ from those of the Review Committee. 4. The memorandum of record, in each case, is the “blue sheet," as amended by this document. Final editions of the blue sheets, recording these recommendations - Individually will be placed in the official record. ' This will be part of the complete Minutes and will be distributed - to all staff as soon as it is ready. J io fp Yuald farting L. Phillips ec: Doctor Olson Doctor Chadwick Doctor Manegold Mr. Cavarocchi Mrs. Silsbee Mr. Thorner Mr. Friedlander Mr. Peterson Me. Jones Mr. Lewis My tawton UL eENV VI ye 7 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM | The Council concurred with the Review Committee in recommending approval of an initial operational award to this region. They further recommended, however, that final award of funds for project #4 be deferred pending further study, by the Council, of projects of this kind. . Be The following totals include funds for the core’ and five projects: 01 — $934,042; 02 - $944,376; 03 - $917,363. wae 2. The following regions have been recommended for awards to renew all or portions of their operational grants and, in . some cases, to add new project components. CALIFORNIA REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM -§/69.1 - The Council failed to concur with the recommendations of the site visitors and the Review Committee and recommended funding of project #7 for one year only, at the current level - $336,000. -6§/69.2 ~ The Council concurred with the Committee in recommending ; approval. of project #35, as requested; and deferral, of the balance of the application. | 3 -O1 ~ $178,840; 02 - $183,792. _, 5/69.3 ~ The Council concurred with the Review Committee and site visitors. and recommended an award to include funds for the 10 components of core. 01 — $3,449,000; 02 - $3,796,780. 2/69.1 - The Council concurred with the Review Committee in their recommendation for approval in a reduced amount; and agreed that this project is within the relevant guidelines adopted by them at this meeting. 01 — $435,841; 02 - $382,833; 03 - $406,389. JNTERMOUNTAIN REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM Ss os "5/69.1 - The Council concurred with the Review Committee in recommending. an award to include funds for three projects. The budget for ~ _NEW JERSEY REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM 7 . Ly . ; one. (#13) requires downward negotiation as prescribed. The “award may not exceed: 01 - $284 ,035; 02 ~ $164, 680; 03 - $175,274. 2/69. 1 - In recommending approval of this project, the Council found “St to be within the relevant guidelines. The amount is to be adjusted dovmward by elimination of the costs related to the computer network. The award may not exceed: 01 - $324,988; 02 - $258,557; 03 ~ $268,371. KANSAS REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM In concurrence with the Review Committee, the Couneil recommended approval of an award to include funds for renewal of three projects (#1, #3, and #4) for three years and initiation i one additional project (#37) for three years. ol - $417,341; 02 - $413,667; 03 - $173,951. ‘ MISSOURI REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM The Council concurred with the Review Committee's recommendation for renewal, for two additional years of project #33, for disapproval of . #10 and ° #42, and to return #41 for revision. ~ 01 ~ $240,961; 02 - $246,943. cee ce ee een eee Rem Re a nanatewed Approval for renewal of the core component of the program was recommended, in concurrence with the Review Committee. 01 - 4638, 03 02 - $668,700; 03 - $699,100. The Counes1 Was unwilling to consider the request for the suppleméntal request for staff for Model Cities planning without the advice ‘of the Review Committee. GHTO STATE REGION! AL, MEDICAL PROGRAM The Council concurred with the Review Committee in recommending the approval of the continuation of two of the four feasibility studies OREGON REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM (#6 an #9) as operational projects; and of one additional project (#11). : co . 01 - $428,717; 02 - $144,794. oe ' In concurrence with the Review Conmittee, the Council ‘recommended renewal of the support of the core component of the program and approval of two new projects (#13 and #14). wt O1 - $228,106; 02 - $248,702; 03 - $269,050. TEXAS REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM 5/69.1 - In concurrence with the site visitors and the Review Committee - the Council recommended approval of an award to include funds for five projects. 01 ~ $286,424; 02 - $289,851; 03 - $163,960. .5/69.2 - The Council concurred with the Review Conmittee in recommending an award to include funds for renewal of support of the central coordinating office, the eight planning bases, and 11 of the 12 operational projects. At the request of the region the commitment for the second and third years. for the planning bases was not included in the recommended award.. 01 - $1,862,585; 02 - $961,180; 03 - $782,564. 5/69.3 - Further, the Council endorsed the Review Committee's recommendation of funding for seven of the nine projects included in this . , application. -O1 ~ $431,034; 02 - $385,405; 03 - $304,751. . en WESTERN NEW YORK REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM =, The Council concurred with the Review Committee in recommending approval of an award to renew project #2 for three additional years; and to approve project #10 for three years only. Lee Ol — $235,143; 02 - $214,446; 03 - $219,612. 4 Ne 4s contingent upon the hospitals! willingness to pay the nursing salaries. Project #25 was also approved, pending the favorable recommendation of expert site visit team and in an amount deemed appropriate by the team. Project #22 was also recommended for approval in a reduced amount ($150,000 per year) for two years only, with a major portion of the reduction to be applied to personnel, particularly the academic positions. - In concurring with the recommendation for revision of #24, the Council suggested that assistance be provided either by staff or by outside consultants. Project #21 was disapproved and no RMP funds are to be used . for the project. so . Approved amounts do not include any funding for project #25. 01 ~ $467,387; 02 - $364,818; 03 - $171,585. MICHIGAN REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM - 4 Tne Council concurred with the Review Committee in its reconmendations on this application and, in addition, delegated the authority . . to staff to add funding in an amount sufficient to provide continuity of project #15 until a site visit can determine whether it should be renewed _ or terminated. co O1 — $486,714; 02 - $492,530; 03 - $487,771. NEW MEXICO REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM In concurring with the Review Committee's recommendation for approval of this project, the Council specified that the award be contingent upon the Region's submission of an acceptable plan for evaluation of the project. 01 ~ $59,237; 02 - $61,223. OHIO VALLEY REGIONAL MEDICAL, PROGRAM The Council concurred with the Review Committee's recommendation on _ projects #8, #10, and #11. In regard to project #9, they recommended that the application be returned to the region with encouragement to revise and resubmit along the lines of the guidelines recommended by the special radiation therapy committee which were endorsed by the Council at this meeting. Project #7 was recommended for approval for two years only at a level of $200,000 per year pending tne submission of a budget and a protocol relevant to that budget which can be re-revievied by the Council in August. ; 01 - $305,000; 02 — $342,654; 03 - $342,654. ’ 3. The Council deferred action on three applications for renewal of grants in support of all or portions of regional programs, for further review by the Committee and/or site @ -. visitors. They delegated to the staff the authority to extend a an support of ongoing aetivities in these regions, as necessary - to maintain program integrity, until formal action on the renewal applications can be taken. . o , ao, To a ge (fiber. egional Medical Program —— Se ody, na Regional Medical Program eet d. Memphis Regional Medical Program North Dakota Regional Medical Program. ee X 4. ‘The Council concurred with the Review Committee in reconmending ~ aetion on a number of applications from operational Regional ‘> Medical Programs for supplemental projects. ; Arkansas Regional Medical Program me OL = $167,956; 02 ~ $78,606; 03 ~ $78,Bo. Florida Regional Medical Program Be . No supplemental funding and prohibition of use of 8 . - existing RMP funds for project #18. Greater Delaware Valley Regional Medical Program a ~ $197,401; 02 ~ $158, 362; 03 - $159, 387. Indiana Regional Medical Program “01 - $40,428; 02 - $36,947; 03 - $38,720. Maryland Regional Medical Program No funds and prohibition of use of existing Regional Medical Program funds in both #17 and #18. Mountain States Regional Medical Program O1 ~ $96,593; 02 - $98,023; 03 ~ $101,933. - North Carolina Regional Medical Program | (01 - $219,162; 02 ~ $218,153; 03 - $196,152. South Carolina Regional Medical Program 8 — 5/69,1 and 5/69.2 O1 - $421,749; 02 ~ $376,206; 03 - $28,947. Use of any ", RMP funds in project #24 is prohibited. ‘ . - o oe 5/69.3 No funding “Washington/Alaska Regional Medical Program ee 5/69.1 “o1 ~ $681,515 02 - $595,847; 03 - $151,163. Use of any RMP funds in projects #30 and #33 are prohibited. No funding. | ON 5. In recommending action on applications from the following regions, Council differed slightly from the Review Committee. meee GEORGIA REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM os, a ~N. Although they were in agreement with the Committee concerning the desirability of a site visit to this region sometime during the summer, the Council recommended that those projects about which there were no ° substantive questions be approved now (as specified by the Conmittee) rather than after the visit. The effect was the recommendation of an | award for projects #18S, #19, #20, #22, #23, #24 and #28 in amounts not to exceed: 7 DOL ot eaneepemreys mermae AT 2 we yet meee ees ~ $350,000; 02 ~ $350,000; 03 ~ $350,000. -~--- - JOWA REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM Council agreed with the Review Committee in approving both the core supplement and project #13, but specified that both be funded in the amounts requested: : _ OL - $196,558 ; 02 ~ $190,673; 03 - $53,240. METROPOLITAN, D.C. REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM region'srequest to rebudget core funds for a program in continuing ¢ The Council concurred with the Review Committee in aporoving the education, and for projects #23 and #26. In the latter (#26) approval ROCHESTER REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM 7 Council was not willing to arrive at a final recommendation on this application on the basis of the information at hand and recommended its reassessment by the Review Committee. ; eee maces com ns om ae TENNESSEE/MID-SOUTH REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM ° 5/69.1 -— The Council concurred with the recommendations of the Review Committee. . OL - $154,458; 02 - $136,755; 03.- $130,922. 2/69.1 — The last recorded recommendation of the Review Committee on Project #40 was for deferral. The Council believes that in the light of the project's fulfullmept of relevant guidelines, the recommendation of approval is’in order. - OL — $103,658; 02 ~ $37,024; 03 - $38,530. 6. Two special actions were taken by the Council in approving supplements to the planning grants in two Regions: x PUERTO RICO REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM Council approved a request for an increase in core staffing which requires a second year planning grant award of approximately $18,000 above the amount committed. One year only. . NORTHEAST OHIO REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM 7 ~Council approved a request for expanded core staff and for the initiation of one study which will require a planning grant for the second grant period of approximately $127,600 more than the amount committed. One year only. a ee V/ - C. Consideration of Applications “ __ re 1. ‘Four initial operational awards were recommended: BI-STATE REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM In recommending approval the Council concurred with the Review Committee except in regard to project #4 - Stroke Unit- for which the first year was reduced to approximately $72,800, deleting equipment, hospitalization, and certain related personnel positions. Future year funding remained the same. Projects #1, #3, and #6 are to be returned for revision. ~ . . The following totals for the supplement to the core component and three approved projects (#2, #4, and #5) resulted: ” . A “OL — $365,728; 02 - $287,667; 03 ~ $298,268. , MISSISSIPPI REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM The Council concurred with the recommendations of the site visitors, to whom the responsibility had been delegated. They further recommended, however, that action on Project #8 be deferred pending further study, by the Council, of projects of this kind. The following totals include funds for the core component (excluding the earmarked feasibility studies) are eight projects: 01 ~ $977,240; 02 - $631,134; 03 - $657,066. NORTHWEST OHIO REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM 5/69.1 - The Council concurred with the Review Committee in recommending --.-the following total award which includes funds for six projects: _ 01 ~ $567,070; 02 - $528,026; 03 - $605,455. 5/69.2 ~ Request for expansion of staff was also recommended. Six months only. , 01 - $65,200 (Six month amount) All amounts are direct costs only and unless otherwise specified refer to 12-month periods. The designation 01, 02, etc., relate to the first, second, etc. budget periods of the subject application, not necessarily the budget periods