division Or regional medical programs A communication device designed to speed the exchange of news, information and data on Regional Medical Programs SPECIAL PUBLICATION: dune 26, 1908 Excerpt of Testimony and Submitted Materials at House Hearings Re New Regional Medical Programs Legislation As indicated in the June 17, 1968 issue of News, Information and Data, (AVAILABILITY OF TEXT OF HOUSE HEARINGS...), the attached publication has been specially edited and printed to include all testimony presented and materials submitted at the Ilouse Hearings* in support of legislation amending and extending Public Law 89-239 which established Regional Medical Programs in 1965. All testimony and material included is indexed on the CONTENTS page. However, of particular interest will be some of the additional information submitted for the record inciuding... Pages Report on funded projects and activities . in first 12 Operating Programs. ...... . 46-61 Television, radio and telephone networks for continuing education. .......+.+. 61-62 Status of Programs as of March 30, 1968 . . . 67-69 Statement on efforts directed against the health problems of the inner city ...... 73-75 Statement on operational projects affecting rural areas . 2. 1 6 ee ee ee es 76-84 Statement on effectiveness of Programs . . . .84-85 *Subcommittee on Public Health and Welfare of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce - March 26-27, 1968. The Report of this committee. has been published and announcement of its availability will be made in a forthcoming issue of News, Information and Data. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE