mpg CONFERENCE ON REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Washington Hilton Hotel Washington, D. C. January 15, 16, and 17, 1967 SPECIAL NOTE TO DISCUSSION LEADERS, RECORDERS AND PANELISTS Not included in the Program, but important on your schedule are the following meetings at which your attendance is needed. Sunday, January 15 at 5:30 p.m. in Hemisphere Room -- Meeting for all Discussion Leaders and Recorders. Monday, January 16 at 8:00 p.m. in Hemisphere Room -~- Meeting of all Discussion Leaders and Recorders and all Tuesday Panelists. a Copies of Dr. Robert Q. Marston's speech to be delivered on Monday morning, and of Dr. Vernon E. Wilson's speech to be delivered on Monday afternoon are being made available to you. We hope that you will have a chance to read them before the Monday sessions. It should be noted that membeTts of the press may be attending some of the discussion sessions. The enclosed notice has been given to the press concerning their attendance at these sessions. _ In this connection, it is suggested that the enclosed printed announce- ment be given by discussion leaders at the beginning of their sessions.