1. SERVICE ee 7 Ug j Public Health Service Se DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES g WEARER a Say om National Institutes of Health National Library of Medicine DATE: July 22, 1991 Bethesda MD 20894 FROM: Chief, HMD SUBJECT: Du Val and Wilson Interviews TO: Director, NLM Attached are some materials for the Du Val and Wilson interviews. For each of these interviews, I have provided the following: 1. Brief biographical information on each interviewee, with specific identification of his key position(s) with respect to RMP and such relevant background information as the HEW Secretary(ies) under whom he served. 2. A suggested opening statement for the interview, along the lines of the brief statement that I showed you earlier. I have also given these to Bill Leonard for the cue cards. You may of course modify the statement as you see fit. Since both Du Val and Wilson are retired, I have not given any identification of a present position for them. You may want to check with them at the time of the interview if you feel some identification is needed. During the course of the interview, of course, we will establish their former positions vis a vis their RMP experiences (see the questions). 3. A list of eight suggested questions for each interview (slightly different in each case). These questions are similar to the six generic questions that I submitted to you earlier, but are tailored somewhat more specifically to these two interviewees. I hope you will find them helpful as a starting point, but you may of course want to modify them and to follow up on comments of the interviewees during the course of the interviews. boty fi ere elit John Parascandola