January 14, 1948 Dear Dr. Howell: This is to confirm the conversation Mr. Foote and I had with you, and to outline the basis on which we offered to supply a minimum of $50,000 for a radio, mail and movie trailer campaign in behalf of the American Heart Association between about February 14 and April 1, 1948. We are making this offer so that an intensive public education and fund-raising effort through radio and the movies and publications and mail may provide both more background and money for a national campaign next year. Whatever is raised by this effort does not preclude raising additional ear-marked funds for next year's campaign. But, as now 1 out of every 3 of us will die of diseases of the heart and circulation unless new treatments and cures are found, and as less than $3,000,000 is currently spent on research in these diseases, an immediate campaign effort this year seems imperative. Here is an outline of the points on which we would like an agreement with you and with the Executive Committee of the American Heart Association: I. That the present Planning Committee be reorganized and called the Campaign Committee in an attempt to raise up to a million dollars for research, medical and public education, and service in the field of diseases of the heart and circulation. This would be in addition to the present fund-raising activities of the Association. Every effort should be made to obtain Mr. Ted Gamble as Campaign Chairman, and the following as members of the Campaign Committee: 1. Mr. Emerson Foote, Vice-Chairman 2. Mr. Don Francisco, Vice-Chairman 3. Mr. Mark Woods 4. General William J. Donovan 5. Dr. T. Duckett Jones 6. Dr. Irving Wright 7. Mr. Alfred Howell, Treasurer 8. Mr. Bob Hope 9. Miss Irene Dunne (Mrs. Lasker will get) 10. Mrs. Wendell Willkie (Mrs. Lasker will get) 11. . . . and a large Committee which we can agree on and many others who are obtainable (list will be supplied) Note: The first four of these and Mr. Gamble provide the "know-how" in various fields, which would make this campaign possible; and if they are not obtained, people with similar talents and connections can be obtained. II. It is understood that the present constitution of the American Heart Association allows for additional membership on it Board of Directors and Executive Committee. Those individuals among the first seven listed above not already members of the Board should be proposed by the Executive Committee for election to the Board of Directors with appropriate Executive Committee representation. That the first seven of these names, and the chairman be voted by the Executive Committee of the American Heart Association to constitute the Operating Campaign Committee, with authority to act for the American Heart Association within the terms of this agreement. It is understood that the Finance Committee of the American Heart Association has not yet been appointed, but is to consist largely of lay members of the Board of Directors. That the Executive Committee of the American Heart Association recommend to the Board of Directors that the lay members serving in key positions (that is, five of the first seven on the list above) be made members of the Finance Committee. It is understood that, as defined by the constitution, the Finance Committee shall pass on any future proposals for the use of funds raised in 1948. III. That the personnel for the intensive radio, movie, and mail campaign shall be provided and directed by the Campaign Committee. IV. That funds raised by the special intensive radio, movie and mail campaign in 1948 be utilized as follows: 1. At least 75% of the funds raised by this campaign shall be used for research grants and the training of physicians in this field. A 5-point program shall be emphasized: (a) Arteriosclerosis (b) Thrombo-embolic disease (c) Rheumatic Fever (d) Hypertension (e) Training of physicians The allocation of research funds shall be subject to recommendations made by an appropriate professional committee of the American Heart Association, with representatives of the varied sections or councils interested in the scientific interests indicated above. These recommendations, according to the constitution, are subject to approval by the Finance Committee. The funds may be used for fellowships, traineeships, refresher courses; to supplement the income of principal or responsible investigators; and for equipment, supplies and all other items essential to the pursuance of this program and to the ultimate goal of progress in research and scientific education in cardiovascular disease. A minimum of two- thirds of this sum is to be used in research grants-in-aid in the first four fields listed above. 2. No more than 25% of the funds raised shall be devoted to administration and public education in diseases of the heart including a medical information service for physicians and the development of campaign plans for state by state organization for the year 1949. V. That the New York Heart Association divide all that they receive over $378,000 (and exclusive of campaign costs) on a 40-60 basis (40% going to the American Heart Association). (It is understood that 15% of whatever they raise is to go to the American Heart Association up to $378,000). VI. It is understood that there is at present an interim committee of the Board of Directors studying the service and financial relationships between the national and local associations. Financial agreements between the American Heart Association and chartered local organizations should be on the basis of the financial portion of the report of this committee accepted by the Board of Directors. VII. Until such time as definite action by the Board of Directors indicates otherwise and agreements are drawn up between the national and local associations, the local associations be requested to divide with the American Heart Association on a 50-50 basis all funds over their states goals. In turn, the national association will divide with the local associations on a 50-50 basis all funds mailed as a result of the campaign which bear the locals' post marks. VIII. That any funds resulting from the national movie campaign collections be divided with the local associations on a 50-50 basis, if a movie collection is taken in any theatres within the region of the definition of the local association (i.e., within the state in the instance of a State Heart Association; or within the city in the instance of a city heart association). IX. That as the New York Heart Association's movie collection in the Loew's Theatres is already arranged, the American Heart Association will not participate in this collection except as a result of their agreement on a general formula indicated in IV above. If, however, the Campaign Committee arranges for collections in other theatres than Loew's in New York City, the America and New York Heart Associations will participate in them on an 85-15 basis, until $378,000 has been raised by the New York Heart Association, and after that on a 60-40 basis. I hope that this agreement can be worked out, so that the millions of heart sufferers will have speedy relief through better treatments and cures. With warm good wishes, Sincerely yours, Mary Lasker (Mrs. Albert D. Lasker)