April 2, 1948 Dear Senator Murray: Many thanks for your letter of the 22nd. I am so glad to hear that you are keeping well in spite of it all. When do you go to Montana? I am going to our ranch, the Z Triangle in Kirkland, Arizona, with Mrs. Mahoney and get the place in order the 3rd, and am leaving there from New York the 12th. I do hope we shall see you in New York May 1st during the National Health Assembly, and that you won't be in Montana just at that particular moment. I was delighted to hear today that your Heart Institute Bill hearings are scheduled for the 8th and 9th, and hope Senator Donnell will give them fair hearings and not be hostile. So far as I know, he is hostile to everything, but maybe he will relent on an attempt to find new treatments and cures for heart diseases. One of the many things I hope will be brought out at the hearings is the appropriation of substantial sums to the National Heart Institute. When I was in Washington, I discussed with Dr. Scheele and Dr. Dyer what could be intelligently used for the National Heart Institute, and enclosed is a tentative budget they suggested. That is fifteen million dollars for the first year. Naturally, it could be increased after the first year. It seems to me a program of about one-hundred and forty million spent over a period of five years ought to be envisaged to get any real prompt action in prolonging the lives of our citizens (and voters.) Perhaps you will suggest something like this during the hearings. I think some specific sum needs to be mentioned so that the need is defined in some specific money terms. Unless large sums are mentioned, the appropriations committee won't think they are making an economy when they give less than is asked for. After all, the department of agriculture has twenty-nine million for the research of plant and animal diseases. Warm good wishes to you always, and all our admiration for your wonderful work. Yours, Mrs. Albert D. Lasker