Gstaad, August 17 1957 Dear R.C. Many thanks for your letter of the spring. I am so glad that you are interested in artherosclerosis for the Heat Disease Control Programme. It seems that what one can tell people is that overweight, high blood pressure and high cholesterol predisposes one to heart attacks and such persons should be checked by their doctors. In case of any one of these conditions, steps can be taken to reduce them. Against hypertension there are, of course, a number of drugs, but I don't know how long it will take before you can develop a suitable programme for the State to use them in their public health clinics. Rheumatic fever certainly is a trial. The method for dealing with it really doesn't give one hope that everything can be done, when you consider that only in 1945 everything still seemed to hopeless in connection with it. I am delighted that you have been able to get so much going in the local health departments in connection with control programmes. Warmest wishes, Always yours,