Mary dear; So much to tell you always so little time. Thanks for your letter and hope you're feeling much better. How long do you stay in the country? Tell Albert his testimony makes me green with envy I was not there to hear it, I know they had great fun to for the repartee unbelievable. Went down with Mrs. H to get her divorce . . . She was such a good 'plaintiff' that she had us all in tears with her testimony. She is fine now and I was good moral support. Can't understand why under the circumstances anyone would give a second thought to getting a divorce. Michael has such fun and the boys are so good to him. He rides a big horse all of the time with Dan'l. Michael can't ride yet. Hazel rode yesterday. I have not ridden often for never seem to have time. Weather is lovely now, sunny and cold at night. The Harvests leave next Tues. and Dan and Martha and the boys go about the 10th. Margaretta Cox has been ill and is coming out Monday to stay until they return. She will fly and they will all fly back. Then I will take off for Ariz. and get all in order there. A man is going down with me (also his wife) who has worked all of these years at S.V. with my friend Charlie Davidson before he left, and I think he might be very good. He has very good reputation and reliable and background of farming but very good landscaping so we will get very beautiful and keep that way. Since he is married I think it will not take anyone else except for special work. I will call you before I go down or next time I am in S.V. for talking on the forest line here is not too satisfactory. I did a lot of work on Sen. Fulbright and also on his wife, who is very nice and intelligent. We must get together with them. We all lunched most every day and had dinner together with Averell and it was interesting and fun. Averell worked out on Michael too. He's very nice and so intelligent. It might be a good thing if they nominated him V.P. with Truman. I will send you a copy of the speech he made in Seattle and you will see what I mean. I have only one copy and want to send it first to our editorial writer and will have him mail to you. I could not get any specific info. re. the names of the men in Pepper's office for always there were people. However we will go to see him in Wash. and alone. I asked him if he knew you and he said he knew of you, or had heard of your work. He was very interested in the health problem and I gave him the fact sheets to read and told him how your office had worked on them. I have known him for a long time and he was even helpful with Fulbright. He said the Pres. could not let the Foundation Bill go through as was. He's very loyal to Truman and very fond of him . . . also thinks Mr. T. might be elected if they run Taft or even Dewey against him . . . But not so certain if they run Eisenhower. This speech is the first time he has come out openly against Russia. Thinks as we do re. our future unless great strides made in right direction quickly. Heard indistinctly last night on radio that some foreign Dr. was going to give a paper on fact that cancer may be related to leprosy. Radio always difficult here in Mts. to understand. That would be awful considering so many people have been afraid of it anyway, as being contagious and etc. but perhaps I'll have been educated since the past few campaigns. Wish we were going to the cancer meetings in St. Louis. Do get all the papers. Michael had a very nice letter from Sen. Tobey and due to their correspondence feel we may enlist his aid in the future. We also sent 50 copies of the boys letter to all of the Senators we know. The enc. clippings got into trouble looks like. Don't bother to return just some thought you might be interested in looking over. Note Wylie's . . . very amusing . . . Albert would laugh too. There's a polio epidemic in Idaho . . . so sad . . . Fulbright likes Taft . . . also the Drs. in Arkansas have him in their power. He also wants to be reelected . . . and bad . . . he seems to have that southern inertia . . . this just between us . . . also A. H.'s private view of our future. Goodbye darling and it will be so nice to see you again and I miss you. Next summer you will have to come to S.V. if we don't go to Ariz. and Dr. Moritz is very nice and a good doctor. S.V. is very pretty now re. flowers and trees. Write -- All well -- dearest love, Your stationery has been a joy and very helpful in all the letters for our work. The paint samples came and are very good and also like the one you do.