tell Nancy that Olive and Evans feel very hurt they have not heard from her . . . Saturday P.M. Mary dear; Hi . . . how are you? It was fun talking to you and will call again soon. Talked to Pepper last night and he said the Pres. is interested in the Research bill and they are trying to get it drafted before the hearings. Said they might be about the 16th. of Dec. Do let me know as soon as you find out for it is hard to get reservations. Had fun in Atlanta . . . the Governor said he would produce the money for Dr. from the Nat. office for Ga. for 6 or 9 months. Think it is really settled. Atlanta is the most fascinating place with all of the citizens so enlightened and all giving masses of money for psychiatric clinics and hospts. and medical centers. More about it later. Am loving the book . . . Drs. of the Mind . . . have you read it? Wrote and got perm. from Mrs. Emmons to use her editorial. The paper in Atlanta carries lots of health articles and they have a woman's editor who is wonderful and so attractive and intelligent. Had several hours with Margaret Mitchell (Gone with the Wind author) and she is mostly interested in getting psychiatric help for civilians and etc. Gov. Arnall is as outstanding in his thinking as Pepper and Fullbright. Went through the Bell plant where they are making the B29s and you would have loved it. Thousands of women workers and have written to Mrs. Trent to send pamphlets . . . molly pitchers and etc. 28 thousand employees. Enc. clippings re. cancer publicity in Atlanta papers and some from the paper here too. The Governor is completely sold on the health angle so you can talk to him about the cancer program any time now. He was so pleased to find all of his bus. friends in Atlanta so interested in public health . . . and it was good we had already educated him. Please ask your secretary if she will call the AMA journal and ask them to send me the copy they have on false advertising copy. I would write for the Info. but thought they might pay more attention to her. It was written up in an old issue of AMA and also of Hygia. I am also writing to Western Reserve Med. school for the results they had on tests on vitamins and the misleading copy that adv. them . . . This one clipping is pertaining to such copy and expenditure and was in all our papers in the editorial page . . . not that anyone would know what they were talking about . . . Hurry and write and dearest love and give this note to Albert.