March 6, 1946 Florence dear: Here are some clippings on the Cancer Bill sponsored by Pepper. I have just had a wire from him saying, "He will have hearings soon on the Cancer Bill". I hope that means May as it will be a good time if it comes just after the Campaign. I think it would be a wonderful idea if Dan would run an editorial on Pepper's vision in introducing this Bill to make a comprehensive attack on one disease because if this Bill is successful perhaps we can get hearings on the heart and arteries and other diseases of similar scope. A lot of doctors will say that much money can't be used because it sounds like such a daring thought but I am sure it will take at least that much to not only work out the basic answers but to test it all clinically and if it doesn't, after all the money will be saved. In any case it only represents the cost of one-half day of war. Albert has started to ride again today for the first time as he has had an infected toe. I was disappointed to hear the chances aren't too good of your coming out here. When are we going to look for our year-round home? We listened to Churchill yesterday afternoon and he was magnificent. Did you hear Sarnoff, who broadcast on "The Future of Scientific Research" about fifteen minutes later? He did not say a word about World Government and any big speech that doesn't encompass that idea these days seems out of date to me, doesn't it to you? Why don't you write to Mrs. H. V. Milligan at the American Cancer Society, 350 Fifth Avenue, New York City, and explain to her in writing the fact that you have been able to get no information from Mrs. Epperson on what has been done with the money or on any plans for the use of the money which was raised with the aid of Dan and the paper last year? Tell her you are very anxious about it as you are deeply interested in the cancer cause and could she give you any report on what has happened. Give Mr. Lyons' experiences and ask him to write too. I think that if you get it in writing you should send a copy of your letter to Mr. MacEwan and Mr. Bobst of the Executive Committee and say you would like to see some way in which the Committee can be effective in Miami and are willing to cooperate, but are unwilling to cooperate and will urge the Miami Herald not to cooperate until you can get some report on what happened last year. Best love to you, darling, and write to me soon. Yours