April 4, 1968 Dear Mary: I am so pleased you can join us at the Ranch the weekend of April 19, 20 and 21st. This is the prettiest time of year in the Texas Hill Country. And if Mother Nature doesn't let us down the fields will be alive with the brilliance of wildflowers. The weather should be clear and warm -- the temperatures in the high 70s. Because you are probably wondering what to pack, I thought it would be helpful if I outlined some of the things we will be doing. However, before I go any further, I want to make it absolutely clear that if you want to do nothing but sit by the pool or walk along the river, that is what I want you to do! On Friday night I thought we would drive over the Ranch, watch the deer, see the sunset and gather back around the pool for dinner. Dress: most informal -- a comfortable dress with a jacket or sweater or slacks, sport shirts and the like. Saturday morning after breakfast I will take the early risers to see the restored farmhouse where Lyndon was born (which is just down the road from the ranch), the Lyndon Johnson park, and into Johnson City to see the house where Lyndon lived as a boy. This modest little Victorian house is open to the public and I am pleased to say has surprised all of us with its great number of visitors. About 11 am - perhaps the late risers will join us - and we will take a helicopter into Austin where I want very much to show you the Library site. Then we will have lunch with the Chancellor of the University of Texas, Harry Ransom, and make a brief stop to see the handsome new garden which Nellie Connally has just finished at the Governor's Mansion. Dress: street clothes, business suit. Mid-afternoon we will return to the ranch, in time for a swim or a nap. At 7 I have invited a few close friends to join us for dinner. Dress: cocktail dress, business suit. On Sunday you can go to church, sleep late, swim or whatever you like. We will go over to the lake for lunch, either on the boat or on a little terrace overlooking the lake. Dress: comfortable -- slacks, shorts, or whatever you like. Bring a bathing suit along if you want to swim or water ski. If you have any questions that this letter does not answer, please call Bess Abell. I can't think of anything more delightful than having the weekend with you and showing you "my own, my native land"! With affectionate best wishes, Sincerely, Lady Bird