If prayers are heard in Heaven, this prayer isheard the most: “TDear God, please. Not cancer.” Still, more than 318,000 Americans died of cancer last year, This year, Mr. President, you have it in your power to begin toend thiscurse. As you agonize over the Budget, we beg you to remember the agony of those 318,000 Amer- jcans. And their families, We urge you to remember also that we spend more each day on military matters than each year on cancer research. And, last year, more than 21 times as much on space research as on cancer research. We ask a better perspective, a hetter way to allocate our money to save hundreds of thou- sands of lives each year. America can do this. There is not a doubt in the minds of our top cancer researchers that the final answer to cancer can be found. Already, 4 out of about 200 types of cancer can be cured with drugs. And 37 other drugs will cause temporary remission in 17 other types of cancer. Dr. Sidney Farber, Past President of the American Cancer Society, believes: “We are ac close to a cure for cancer. We lack only the will and the kind of money and comprehensive plan- ning that went into putting a man on the moon.” Why don’t we try to conquer cancer by America’s 200th birthday? ‘What a holiday that would be! Cancer could be then where smallpox, diphtheria and polio CITIZENS COMMITTEE FOR THE CONQUEST OF CANCER are today~almost nonexistent. Ifyou fail us, Mr. President, this will happen: One in six Americans now alive, 34,000,000 people, will die of cancer unless new cures are found. One in four Americans now alive, 51,000,000 people, will have cancer in the future. Wesimply cannot afford this. Our nation has the money on one hand and the skills on the other. We must, under your leadership, put our hands together and get this thing done. Surely, the war against cancer has the sup- port of 100% of the people. It is a war in which we loat 21 times more lives last year than we Jost _ In Viet Nam last year. A war we can win and put the entive human race in our debt. 866 United Nations Plaza, New York, N.Y., Solomon Garb, M.D., Emorson Foote, Co-chairmon To the public, cancer patients, their friends and relatives: Write or wire the President, urging him to put more funds behind cancer rescarch. Or, please use this coupon. Dear Mr. Nixon: Cancor research needs moro funds, Plense provide them in your 1971 budget. Please. NAME... $$ ADDRESS CITY. BTATE_____P. Mail this coupon to: Tho President Tho Whito Houso Washington, D.C.