October 15, 1948 Dear Mrs. Lasker: The fall colors must be lovely down in White Sulphur Springs and I am sure you are enjoying a delightful interlude. I just hope you are relaxing completely and doing absolutely nothing or its equivalent. I am gratified that you will have an opportunity to read the book on VD control and I appreciate your comments concerning the cancer research beds in this country. Certainly there is no argument but that there are too few beds, but our construction program is remedying that, at least in part, within the next year or so. I am sending you a list of the institutions to which construction grants have been given, many of which are for research beds. I have been in touch with Dr. Sidney Farber by letter concerning the possibility of a Symposium on the anti-folic compounds but we have not come to an agreement as yet. I think we can serve usefully in this whole question and I hope to carry our ideas through. As plans go now I expect to be in Boston on November 8th for the Public Health Cancer Association, but due to the restrictions on the number going to the A.P.H.A. I shall have to return before that meeting. I am not on the program and there is a limitation on attendance unless one has some official capacity at the meeting. It was very thoughtful and kind of you to include me in your dinner invitation and I regret exceedingly that it will not be possible for me to join you. With best wishes for a pleasant stay in West Virginia, Sincerely, J. R. Heller, M.D. Director, National Cancer Institute