January 16, 1952 Dear Leonard: Enclosed is the contribution which we discussed, to be earmarked for the aid of the Washington consultant, Col. Luke Quinn--the fee to be paid to him in monthly installments. He will attempt to educate the Congressmen and Senators, people concerned with the budget and any other key people as to the needs of research, training and rehabilitation funds for cerebral palsy and other neurological diseases within the National Neurological Diseases and Blindness Institute of the U.S. Public Health Service. I trust this will aid us in maintaining the appropriations we got last year and I am hopeful that these funds can be increased because this appropriation was an initial one of $1,847,400. As you know, it will be very difficult to get any increases this year but in any case, his work will certainly be helpful in protecting the present funds against serious cuts. We hope, of course, that it will result in substantial increases. I expect Col. Quinn and Norman will be in touch with you and Dr. McKhann in connection with hearings before the House and Senate and in connection with any other matters which may arise. In the meantime, he can be reached at 512 Washington Boulevard, Washington 5, D.C. and his telephone number is Republic 4722. He is going to be here tomorrow to visit P.S. 135 and to meet with Mrs. Brinckerhoff Thursday afternoon. With warm good wishes, Yours, Encl.--$4000.00