May 17, 1966 Dear Fred: There is a strange dermatologist by the name of Herman Goodman who was in the Health Department for many years. He has an idea that I can do anything! He has a foundation* which he says has money up in the six figures. The trustees are bankers, but apparently do what he tells them. He is looking for something to give the money away so inheritance taxes do not eat it up. His idea is that he would like to give a prize to the man who finally establishes the organism that causes leprosy. He wants to do something about leprosy because of his interest in dermatology and because on his many travels throughout the world, he believes it to be one of the greatest unsolved problems. I suggested the Gorgas Group and said I would investigate if there would be any interest in the idea. Or, would you have any counter suggestions about what could be done in the leprosy field. I am to meet him and possibly his trustees some time the weeks of the 23rd or 30th of May. I will appreciate any ideas you can give me, Sincerely yours, Leona Baumgartner, M.D. [Handwritten note:] Called I think the Herman Goodman Foundation.