December 15, 1939 Dear Fred: Unknown to the police With the connivance of Bevier. I helped myself to your valise And donned a lot of your old gear. I wore your pants, I wore your boots, I wore your overcoat as well; And while I do not give two hoots For looks, I certainly looked swell. Fond mammas looked at me askance; Drew their muchachas to the fold; Mosquitoes left their hants And sought protection in the wold. The ticks and redbugs cooked their beaks On blade of grass and pendant bough; Emitted monitory squeaks And cried: "We've got old Soper now!" I pointed out 'twas only me, I tried my damndest to explain The error in identity. No use. They bit with might and main. I've put away your overcoat; I'm packing up your boots and pants; I rather think I've been the goat And I won't take another chance. But Fred, I hope you won't suppose I'm up to any dirty tricks If you should find among your clothes A bunch of redbugs and some ticks! Lewis Hackett