April Twenty-Ninth, 1936 Dear Doctor Drew: I am pleased to inform you that at its meeting on April 14, 1936, the Board of Trustees of Howard University took the following action: "That Dr. Charles R. Drew, Rosslyn, Virginia, be appointed to the position of Assistant in Surgery, full time, at a salary of $1,500.00 per annum, for the year 1936-1937, with the understanding that -- 1. The appointee shall be available for duty for eleven months during the period of this appointment; 2. During the period of this appointment the appointee shall not engage in the practice of medicine; 3. This appointment shall expire automatically on June 30, 1937. " I shall appreciate it if, on or before May 15, 1936, you will notify this office of your acceptance of the above appointment. Very truly yours Numa P. G. Adams Dean April 11, 1936 Dear Sir: I shall be glad to accept the appointment as Assistant in Surgery under the terms offered in your letter of April 29, 1936. Very truly yours Charlie R. Drew