Monday December 9, 1940 Dear Lenore, I enjoyed being with you over the weekend and very much. Hope you found everything O. K. on your return home. Today I have attended three meetings in a row, the first down on Wall Street, the second at the Commodore Hotel (swell lunch) and the third at the American Red Cross. Quite a busy day. It was decided to bring this work to a close on the first of February. That is the answer as to when I shall be home for good. Before that time I shall have to write up the experiences of this association in this work in order that they may be available for other groups which might undertake such an adventure. It has been great fun. I have made contacts that I may have waited a lifetime to make in the ordinary scheme of things. One can not tell what the future of anything is going to be in times as turbulent as these but up to now fate and chance have been very kind to me. I have gained insight into so many things that I did not clearly understand before I started this job. When I get home a whole new world will have to be readjusted in terms of recent events. It too will be fun. While not on so large a scale, there is much work to do, many problems to be settled. We should have fun working out things together once our lives have settled down a bit. We'll make a go of it I know, but some of the spots are not going to be easy. As I see it the making of a real home is just about the biggest and most important job ahead of us and unfortunately most of this load will fall on you. Honest, I'll help all I can and promise to try to get away from some of my bachelor ideas and you must try to get out of your decoration classes in school into the swing of real life off the campus. Love to all, Charlie