January 9, 1940 My dear Mrs. Drew, You will be pleased to hear that the state department has considered your husband too valuable a citizen to allow to expose himself to the rigors and dangers of the European scene at this time, therefore, they will not issue a passport. From word we have received in this office today there is some evidence that the word has been passed down to have certain of our armed forces ready for war if need be by the first of April. To that end we have been asked to prepare to start collecting blood for plasma for the U. S. Navy by Monday week. Things happen fast do they not? I do not know what the next step is at this time but what ever it is I am pretty sure, I believe, that your hubby will be in the middle of it. The first chance that I get I will come down and discuss the future of this rapidly increasing little band of Drews. Your devoted but wayward husband. Charlie