Monday Hello my Sweet, Just had a most interesting day. Tested out one of the "Transfusion Trailers" destined for England this week by attaching it to a Red Cross Ambulance and, with the whole crew of nurses, traveled out to the State Agricultural School in Farmingdale L. I. (about 35 miles) to take blood from the student body. We set up in the gymnasium and everything went extremely well. In spite of the heavy snow we did not get stuck. The refrigerator, which is run by a single motored gasoline engine attached to the compressor, just chugged along like a pop-pop motor boat all day. Worked swell. [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] I saw Joe on Saturday. His foot seems to be O.K. We saw a good Meet on Saturday night and went to the [ . . . ] Club afterwards. Joe got sleepy and left before the show was over. Sunday, after work I went by to see him but he had gone. I do not know exactly what to say about Bebe and her bowels. I shall be home Friday to take another look at her. To date I have had no chance to study except the reading I did on my last trip home. I shall take the exam however and hope my luck holds out. I am unusually busy here and interested in what I am doing but I want to come home now. Love, Charlie