Sunday, Sept 29, 1940 Hello My Sweet, Just a line to say that all is well. Have been working over the literature of shock again in preparation for the paper I am to give on October 10. I sit now on the eleventh floor of the Y.M.C.A. and thank my stars that this is only a transient abode, that I have a home of my own, that you are there and Bebe is there and it is cheerful [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] bright, happy and comfortable. A single little room always seems to hem me in so tightly. I'll be busy here but I have just been thinking how terribly busy you are there and after pay day, even more so. All the bills to pay, the curtains to fix, the covers to make, the studio couch frame to get built, another chair to find, scatter rugs to find, a baby carriage to get, new clothes to purchase, your [END PAGE TWO] [BEGIN PAGE THREE] abdominal muscles to tighten up by daily exercise, your food to get (enough of it) and the thousand other details of running the house you wanted to be absolute lass of. Of course you'll spend some time missing me as I do you. During the month of October I may not be able to get to Washington for I must pass the bloody examination on the 28th. But after that [END PAGE THREE] [BEGIN PAGE FOUR] I think we ought to be together at least every other weekend, first you up here and then me down there. By that time Grace will be home and about and mother can keep Bebe. It should be great fun, especially your trips up here for then we can do some of the things together we haven't had a chance to since your first visit in June a year ago. I look forward to it with all the eagerness of your first visit. Until tomorrow Charlie