Sunday Morning 2 AM April 16, 1939 My Sweet, Man at his best is an odd creature and I as the least of men am the oddest of creatures at best, but never have I, even at my worst, acted as strange as I have for the past week. For years I have done little but work, plan and dream of making myself a good doctor, an able surgeon and in my wildest moments perhaps also playing some part in establishing a real school of thought among Negro physicians and guiding some of the younger fellows to levels of accomplishment not yet attained by any of us. I have known the cost of such desires and have been [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] quite willing to do without many of the things that one usually regards as but natural. Then I met you and for the first time mistress medicine met her match and went down almost without a fight. Life suddenly widened the horizons and took on new meaning, I knew dear by just how lonely I had become, just how badly I needed some one rather than just something to cling to, some one to work for, rather than just a goal to aim at, some one to dream with, cherish from day to day, and share the little things with, the smile and if need be the [END PAGE TWO] [BEGIN PAGE THREE] tears that will sometimes come. When I first kissed your hand it was almost reverently done for even then I felt an inward surge that was inexplicable. When you walked I felt lifted by the graciousness of your carriage; when you talked it was your gentleness that struck so deeply; when you smiled there was sweetness that only a fortunate few can carry over from an unspoiled childhood to full glorious womanhood; poised but vibrant, there was something which responded in me and left a glow which still suffuses my whole being and warms my heart, Its a grand [END PAGE THREE] [BEGIN PAGE FOUR] feeling Lenore. The only rash, unplanned, unpremeditated thing I've done for years is already paying dividends in a thousand delightful ways. Like Elizabeth Browning I feel that a new source of strength has come to me, and I am grateful. "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach when feeling out of sight For the ends of being and ideal grace, I love thee to the level of every day's Most quiet need, by sun and candle light. I love thee with the breath, smiles, tears Of all my life" And so My love Goodnight, Charlie