May 24, 1945 Dear Dr. Drew: I am awfully sorry that we do not see eye to eye with each other in the matter of the "gentlemen's agreement" which this hospital has asked Dr. Plummer to make. One thing is certain; your friends always know just exactly where you stand on issues, big or little. I heartily agree with you that "a man trained in medicine should have the right to practice where his ability will allow him to practice, regardless of race, creed, color, or place where he was trained." I must take issue with you, however, concerning this hospital's right to ask such of a prospective salaried house physician with 50% of our medical staff with the armed forces or in defense centers. Should the doctor in question care to come directly to Roanoke to enter into the practice of medicine, I can assure him of the cordial welcome and cooperation of this hospital and its staff; however, should he care to come in as house physician, then we will have to secure his promise as before indicated. My impression was that he would continue to pursue his surgical experience after his tenure here any way, and, certainly that will take two years at the least. It would be unfortunate if this is to prevent us from having his valuable services, and him getting a years good experience here with us. May I suggest that the matter not be closed until a little later? I plan to be in Washington June 8th, at which time the second of my daughters to graduate from Howard will receive her diploma. Maybe I could have a few minutes conference with both Dr. Plummer and yourself, which might bring about a clearer understanding all around. With highest personal regards, I am, Yours very truly, L. C. Downing, M.D. Superintendent