September 7, 1948 Dear Dr. Drew: I am planning to do some sketches, for both publication and lectures, about top-notch colored people. Especially about those whose success is distinctive and unique. Of course there is the regular routine information to be found in such volumes as Current Biography. I have that already. What I'd like is some very personal account . . . the story of the spur, the why and the wherefore of your decision, of your belief that the plasma could be stored. (All this in very simple language for the lay mind.) Especially something if anything about those first few times when the going was still a little rough. And then that memorable moment when you knew that this was the field for you. Would you send me a picture of yourself? I'll mount it and return it too, if you so request. This is of the utmost importance to me. I cannot tell you how much it means. Sincerely yours, Jessie Fauset Harris (Mrs. H. E. Harris) Time is of the essence.