Howard University College of Medicine Teaching Personnel Name: Drew, Charles Richard; Date: 1/15/36 1. Date of first appointment at Howard University 1935 2. Experience in teaching, in profession and/or in public life prior to appointment at Howard University. Instructor in Biology and Chemistry, Morgan College, Baltimore, Md., 1926-1928. Instructor in Pathology, Howard University, 1935-1936 Assistant in Surgery, 1936-1938; Instructor in Surgery, 1938-1940 Assistant Professor of Surgery, 1940-1941; Head of the Department of Surgery, 1941- Professor of Surgery, 1942- Medical Director, Freedmen's Hospital, December 22, 1946 to November 24, 1947. 3. Academic preparation and research status. A.B., Amherst College, 1926 M.D., and C.M. (Master of Surgery), McGill University, 1933 Member of Alpha Omega Alpha, McGill University General Rotating Interneship, Montreal General Hospital, 1933-1934 Resident in Medicine, Montreal General Hospital, 1934-1935 Diplomate of the National Board of Medical Examiners 4. Evidences of increasing competence as a teacher: "A young man of ability and promise" - N.P.G.A. 5. Evidences of competence in research: "None so far. His duties have been routine laboratory work and teaching" N.P.G.A. 6. Evidences of increasingly abla publication: "None" N.P.G.A. 7. Value as a counsellor and guide to students. "Very limited" N.P.G.A. 8. Increasing administrative ability and contribution to the welfare of the University through committee services, etc.: "None" N.P.G.A. 9. Enhanced standing among his professional associates as evidenced by their demand for his services as speaker, counsellor, consultant, committeeman or leader: "Very limited" N.P.G.A. 10. Any other considerations which you may wish to advance as offering illumination regarding the abilities of the teacher concerned: "He is a steady worker, intelligent, confident and commanding. He has a very good mind and a good use of language." N.P.G.A. 11. Present rank Instructor in Pathology (full-time). Present salary $1,8000.00 12. Recommended rank: "On one year tenure. Would be glad to recommend him as Fellow in Surgery." N.P.G.A. /s/ Numa P.G. Adams, Dean The College of Medicine Howard University College of Medicine Teaching Personnel Name: Drew, Charles Richard; Date 1/15/36 Please underline the terms below which indicate his personal qualities. [NOTE: Underlined terms are followed by an asterisk.] Personality: Congenial*, well-bred*, polite*, deferential*, crude, boisterous, aggressive, assured*, reserved*, gentle*, shy, argumentative, talkative, soft-spoken*, quiet*, fastidious, supercilious, awkward; has poise*, tact*, dignity*; genteel*; refined*; pride*; neat*; cultured*. Character: Honest*, conscientious*, reliable*, considerate*, tractable*, generous*, modest*, energetic*, self-controlled*, ambitious*, mature*, social-minded*, deceitful, erratic, self-centered, stubborn, frivolous, conceited, lazy, impulsive, immature, narrow-minded, persevering*; courageous*; self-sacrificing;* cooperative*. Scientific Aptitude: Original*, versatile*, independent*, accurate*, thorough*, careful*, logical*, responsive*, resourceful*, clear*, level-headed*, quick*, concise*, shrewd, keen, deft, good technique*, interested in research*, a "book" student, slow, unimaginative, muddled, careless, poor technique; brilliant*; creative*. Remarks: A very high type of man. Intelligent, forceful. Willing to work. Name of Voucher: /s/ Numa. P. G. Adams Rank of Voucher: Dean