- CONSTITNTION Of THE AQUALUMNI - Ie Purpose; The sentiments ot loyalty to and affection for our Chiet, voctor Waters, have prompted the organization of this group. The purposes of the Aqualumni are manifold. le To maintain and perpetuave the spirit that has prevailed in Doctor Waters' Department in the paste 2. ‘to distribute scientific knowledge from each member to wvery other member. 3. To stimulate, guide and assist one anovner in all types of research in anesthesiology. 4. To maintain social and professional contact with Doctor Waters and one another by means of an annual meeting. 5. ‘to further the science of anesthesiology by teaching and research as well as promoting high standards of anesthesias 6. To distribute literature, news, and keep records of the same for all writings and activities of the members o IIe Membership shall consist of: A. Charter members who shall be active members as long as they continue doing active work in anesthesia. These members are as follows: #2 Dre Albert J. Wineland Dre John Ao Moffitt Dre David HN. Treweek Dre Maurice H. Seevers Dr. Emery AeRovenstine Dr. John Ae Stiles Dre William B. Neff Dr. Ivan B. Taylor Dr. Hubert R. Hathaway Dr. Frederick A. De Alexander Dre James H. Bennett Dr. Perry Pe Volpitto Dr. william H. Cassels Dr. Bert B. Hershenson Dr. Me Digby Leigh Be Members by election. The original clause on membership stated that any resident serving six months on Doctor Waters service who continued to do anesthesiology could be elected a member by unanimous vote of the members. Doctor Virginia Apgar was elected a member April, 1938. this clause is now (April 15, 1938) repealed and superceded by the following: Ce. Qualifications for new members (After April 15, 1938): 1. All residents holding regular three year appointments in Doctor Waters’ Department shall, after serving two years, automatically become members, and shall be inducted into the society at the next regular meeting. 2. All residents holding regular three year appointments in Doctor Waters' Department shall, after serving six months, automatically qualify for a limited form of membership, and they shall be known as “JUNIOR MEMBERS." Junior Members shall pay no fees and shall be entitled to attend all functions of the Aqualumpi and to receive all the regular #3 communications of the society. If any Junior Member ceases to be a member of Doctor Waters' Department before he has served two years, he shall automatically cease to hold membership in the Aqualumni unless specially elected in accordance with Clause 3 of this section. If any Junior Member interrupts his training in Doctor Waters’ Department to join the armed forces of the country during the present war, his status as junior member shall be maintained until the first meeting of the Aqualumni after his discharge from the armed forces, or failing his discharge, after the war until action on his status is taken at a regular meeting. 3e An anesthetist who has worked in Doctor Waters’ Department for at least six months shall be eligible for election at a regular meeting of the Aqualumni if nominated by two members and approved unanimously by the members present. It is to be understood, however, that such election shall be limited to those who are definitely considered worthy representatives of Doeter Waters! teaching; that their election to membership may be delayed until any time that the members wish to approve of them; and that no such worker in the Department is entitled to expect such election as it is entirely at the discretion of the members. IIIe Officers of the Aqualumni shall be; A. President, to be elected every year at the annual meeting. He shall be the chief executive of the organization with the duties and responsibilities that ordinarily are relegated to that office. Any active member is qualified for this office. B. As soon as practical after the Easter meeting the President shall appoint a Secretary-Treasurer for the ensuing yeare #4 C. Permanest Historian, Doctor James Bennett was elected to this service. Duties: 1. Keep records and reprinte of members. 2. Keep news letters and photographs 3. Keep history of the influence of voctor Waters on anesthesiology. 4. Keep any other interesting data, especially concerning Doctor Waters. IV. Communications and publications: A. News letters to be sent out at least three times during each year. The approximate dates shall be March 1, July 15 and November 15. All data for these messages should be sent to the president at least one week before these dates.s Be All reprints of papers by members should be sent to the president so that they can be mailed to each member with the news letters. In order to have a copy for each member, twenty copies should be sent to the president for distribution for the permanent file. Ve Dues and Fees for meetings: Ae Annual dues, one dollar per year payable in advance at the Easter meeting, shall be paid by each active member. (Amended 4-7-49 to read: Annual dues, three dollars per year payable in advance at the Easter meeting, Shall be paid by each active member.) Be Expenses for the annual meeting shall be paid by an assessment from each active member present (Junior members excluded). VI. Meetings: There shall be one official annual meeting held each year in Madison, Wisconsin. The time for this meeting to be decided each year at the annual business meeting. Other meetings may be arranged by unamimous vote of the members, Detail arrangements of the annual meeting shall be made by the #5 executive committee assisted by the members. The object is to have every member participate. It was agreed to follow the custom of inviting all members of the anesthesia staff including their wives to the opening banquet. the second night is set aside for a dinner for members, including Droplets. VII. Changes and Additions may be made by a majority vote of the active members and Doctor waters at the annual business meeting which is to be held as the opening function of the annual meeting. the above constitution stands as adopted at April 15, 1938. Br. The above constitution stands as amended at 1939. Dre The above constitution stands as amended at 1942.6 Ure the Easter meeting 1937 and Be Ae Rovenstine presiding the aster meeting April 7, BE. A. Rovenstine presiding the Easter meeting April 6, We H. Cassels presiding Under “Qualifications for new members" paragraph 2, change the word droplets to junior members. Uhange these words throughout the constitution. Add to same paragraph; If any junior member interrupts his training in Doctor Waters! Department to join the armed forces of the country during the present war, his status as junior member shall be maintained until the first meeting of the Aqualumni after his discharge from the armed forces, or failing his discharge, atter the war until action on his status is taken at a regular meeting.