March 22, 1973 Dear Dr. Apgar: I saw the Phil Donahue show the day you were on, and I was rather disappointed that no one brought up the subject of the birth control pill. I am in my fourth month of taking 'The Pill', but I'm wondering if there are any proven facts as to what the pill could do to a child one might have after taking the pill for any length of time, or for that matter what the pill could do to my health. My husband and I just got married in December, and we don't want to have children for a few years. But when we do decide to have children we want them to be healthy. My doctor recommended the pill because it is the only contraceptive that is 100% effective, I want to find out all I can about the pill as far as my health is concerned, and the health of the baby I want to have someday. If there is any information you could give me, or tell me of anyone I might write to who could give me information concerning the pill, I would be very grateful. I enjoyed that Phil Donahue show very much, and I agree with many of your statements. I feel that you know what you're talking about, and I hope you can inform me about the birth control pill. I want to read your book, "Is My Baby Alright?" as soon as I can get my hands on it. I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Cindy Luginbill