April 12, 1976 Dear Maxine, Your letter of March 24 and also the cheque (which arrived this morning) have been received. First, my thanks to you and Ed for arranging the very generous honorarium. We have noted the dates of your visit and, to cover all possibilities, we have reserved two connected rooms for you and Stephanie at the San Martin. I am still hopeful that we will find a small campus apartment and they (the Housing Office) have promised to let me know by the end of May. If the apartment comes up, then we can simply cancel the San Martin reservation. The information you sent re Arnold Levine's Adeno-SV40 hybrid is extremely interesting. We are still not sure what sort of "monster" Yasha has created; but we should know by the time you arrive. Sara Lavi has just arrived and is busy setting up her domestic arrangements. I haven't yet had time to hear from her the latest news from CSH. Tikvah is still busy defining new cleavage patterns of new variants (new types of SV40 seem to turn up twice a week here!). With best regards and we all look forward to your visit. Sincerely, Ernest