18.9.73 Dear Maxine, It was nice to hear from you after long time. I have already sent a copy of the report to Dr. Jones. Until and unless there is a settlement between our country and your country regarding the PL. 480 funds there is no chance of renewal. We have to wait for that patiently. Yes, I could finally trace our Spinco at Calcutta but that is in terrible shape. Most of the components are missing and we have to spend $10,000 in foreign exchange to put it back into operation. Anyway we have to do it at all costs. The Sorvall situation remained unsettled for long time in spite of your telephonic talk and repeated reminders of mine. Finally Maharani met one of their Agents at Sweden and he kindly took the pains to mail the Centrifuge but with a fresh bill for which we are receiving reminders for payment. I hope, the matter will finally be settled and no further payment has been made. I am glad to know that Koteswara is doing fine and you are all moving to a new laboratory in the Cancer Institute. Only your group or the whole laboratory? Regarding the other project with Myron Levine, the story is the same. Mike, however, readily agreed to the transfer of the project to Maharani as Principal-Investigator. But our University authorities have raised the point that since all the Pl 480 projects are now frozen, there is no need of taking steps in this matter. Let us wait and see. I am sure, any day the project becomes operative it will be directly under her. You will be glad to know that I am back to bench. Although I have not been able to achieve anything so far yet I have succeeded in training a girl technician for the work which I want to do. May be, soon I shall have some success. If there is none still there is self-satisfaction. But without PL 480 project and with the grants of other projects being drastically cut it have become very difficult for us to continue the work which is being threatened every day. Only hope is our old stock and the help of some American friends of which you are one. We are hoping that the next year may be a better one. I am now corresponding with the Jane Coffin for some grant and the situation is so far hopeful. I have mentioned you as one of my referees and shall send a copy of the proposed work to you, when it is ready. Yes, Maharani was in Stockholm as well as in Garinge to attend a meeting on lysogeny. She liked both the meetings very much She also spent a week in Germany with her brother as well as at the invitation of Dr. Hans Kroger if the Robert Koche Institute of Berlin. She joins with me in sending our regards to you, Dan and the kids, Sincerely yours, Debi