9 September Dear Maxine Thank you for the manuscript and the two letters. I received them when I came from Vienna. I read the manuscripts very quickly, it looks to me fine much better than I could do, but I will read it more carefully when I return from the vacation. I am going to the South of France until the end of September and I will not do anything than swim and enjoy holidays. However I don't think that the manuscript can be published all by itself. I think it will be better to include the data on phosphorolysis which are positive -- because for the exchange we really did not know too much about at the end of the paper except that GDP exchanges well if the conditions are optimal. I saw Severo for a few minutes. He was a little upset during the meeting because he was fitting[?] with Lipmann -- about the protein synthesis -- Lipmann was nasty and Severo [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] upset. He told me that he received your manuscript. He thinks that it is too early to publish it but he will discuss it with you -- the meeting was nice in spite that there were booo[?] persons[?]. The symposium on [ . . . ] was very nice. Grerer[?] told that the desammated[?] TMV RNA by nitric[?] acid reduced mutation of the chain[?] of TMV. Hoghlaud[?] show some data of Harham[?] on the basis of soluble RNA -- He really [ . . . ], so they[?] more of the funny basis[?] than yeast RNA -- Harkham himself did not come. I will tell you about more when I come back from the holidays. I will enjoy very much that Leon presents my data and information in the talk he is giving at NY Academy of Sc. How are you explaining that the rate for poly U and ply A change with different enzyme preparation? Is it depending on the purity of the enzyme? Do you think it could be explained by some [ . . . ] defeating[?] poly U? is the rate better with poly U in here the enzyme has a higher purity. [END PAGE TWO] [BEGIN PAGE THREE] I have to finish the letter -- I will write to you in the beginning of October. My best regards to Leon to Russ. Sincerely yours, Marianne