November 20, 1990 Dear Maxine, During the Fall semester of 1988 a small group of MIT faculty gathered in a series of informal meetings to examine the feasibility of refocusing a fraction of research and development resources of this country devoted to weapons development onto civilian technological innovation in the areas of energy, environment and economic competitiveness of the U.S. These discussions led to a one-day meeting with participants from around the country at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences on December 9, 1990 where it was decided to launch The Project on Research Resources Redeployment, a three-year research, analysis, and public information effort sponsored by the Academy and aimed at promoting the establishment of a federally-funded civilian research and development agency with four main functions: a. Build up the technology knowledge base by vigorous support of pre-competitive, generic scientific and technological research; b. Anticipate and assess national needs (the energy, environment, economy complex) and technological opportunities for their fulfillment; c. Formulate coherent civilian science and technology policy; d. Implement this policy by interfacing broadly with private industry and universities. I have now completed the draft of a proposal for funding The Project on Research Resources Redeployment to be submitted shortly to the MacArthur, Rockefeller and Sloan Foundations which have expressed strong interest in the Project. I hope you will be able to read the enclosed text and give me your comments and suggestions. More importantly I would very much like you to join the advisory board of the Project and help us carry it out over the next three years. The level of involvement of the advisory board members is largely a matter of your personal choice: The spectrum runs from active participation to mere availability for advice over the telephone. I hope you will be able to join the effort of the Academy in this important task. Do call me either at the Academy (617-576-5034) or at M.I.T. (617-253-3647) if you want to discuss any aspect of my requests. With very best regards, Sincerely, Kosta Tsipis P.S. I have spoken to Dan about this project. He may be able to give you additional details. Please give him my best regards. Kosta