March 31, 1977 Dear John : I warned you that when the time came you might expect some material on recombinant DNA from me, Apparently the Subcommittee on Health will start hearings on proposed legislation on April 6. A variety of bills have been introduced both in the House and the Senate. A bill reflecting the views of the administration is expected to be introduced by April 6. Therefore I am sending on three papers of my own. One is a brief review of relevant science and public policy issues that I gave at a Congressional Briefing in December. One is a review of the history of the development of the development of the issue, which I delivered as an address at the National Academy of Sciences Public Forum on Recombinant DNA. Finally, there is a copy of testimony I gave at the hearings of the House Subcommittee on Health. The latter specifically addresses certain legislative problems. You can imagine that I am looking forward to a reasonable resolution of these difficult issues. It seems that our new concerns at Yale will require a substantial amount of time shortly. Very best regards. Sincerely yours, Maxine Singer