July 3, 1936. Dear Doctor Sabin: Many thanks for thinking of me and sending me such a nice letter. What a grand wedding it must have been! I should love to hear about the ceremony and all the beautiful gifts. Your letter to the bank must have arrived in time because nothing has been received here at the Institute from them. I'll keep my weather eye open, however. I am sending you a few things which I think you may like to know about. 1. Letter from Doctor Flexner, dated June 30th. 2. Letter from Doctor White. I have written to him about your absence on your vacation and have given him your California address. 3. Card from Doctor Hummel. He is touring through Mexico, I think, so you needn't worry about not acknowledging this. 4. Letter from Miss Sherwood which I have acknowledged. 5. Check for $5.00 from Professor Henry S. White. I have written him a note of thanks. I am including an envelope for Mr. Scattergood so that you need merely to endorse the check and forward it. We have received another order for a replica of the Flexner bas-relief. I shall attend to that. Your paper is just out in the July number of the J.E.M. It looks fine and there have already been a number of requests for reprints. I'll send you one or two if you wish them. Of course they have not arrived yet but I am in hopes that they will come before I go. Everything in the department is going smoothly. It is such a joy to be able to work in such congenial surroundings. I try every now and then to make you realize how grateful I am to you for all the wonderful things you have done for me but always I am conscious that I do so very crudely and unsuccessfully. But I hope you will understand how happy I am with you and what a constant inspiration it is to me to have the great privilege of being associated with a personality so outstanding. I am all the more proud because I know of many who appreciate my enviable opportunity. I am glad to hear that you are getting a good rest. I felt I should have done lots more things for you before you left but those last days were such busy ones. Now things are slowing down. I have at last finished that long paper for Doctor Webster and now he has decided not to publish it until the fall. But it is off my mind for a while. I think I shall start my vacation on July 16th. So far our plans are indefinite but I shall keep you informed. Have a glorious holiday and let me know if I can be of any help. With cordial regards to your sister, Affectionately yours, Marguerite T. Stein P.S. I have tried to get the matter of your glossy photographs straightened out and Mr. Kesslere's secretary has promised that they will be delivered without fail on Monday morning. Doctor Smithburn is off today. Doctor Knisely couldn't come after all.