My dear Mrs. Denison, That's the most wonderful thing that ever happened! I came home last night after a terrible day at the Court over Mrs. Hooker's trial, feeling too down to imagine that anything could possibly cheer me up. Perhaps you can imagine what the week has been like when I tell you that I had accepted an invitation to Mrs. Weed's to meet Dr. William Welch and the new professor of medicine for Wednesday night, and plum forgot it!!! And went to the theatre just to stop thinking. In the midst of such a week, the very worst I ever lived through, came the letter. When the check fell out, I just stared at it; then I thought you wanted me to look up a fellowship for it. And then I read the letter!! I never can thank you enough--it's going to be just wonderful--it will be a Dodge, don't you think so? Dr. Weed says a Gardner, but Dr. Cunningham says a Dodge. I think that it will be better to wait until September, but what fun it will be. I don't think that I have ever wanted anything as much as an automobile. I shall deposit the check tomorrow; today was too hectic. We had oral examinations and in the midst of them I had to give a demonstration of blood to a visiting medical society. I will write again in a day or so when I have been over to the Dodge shop and found out how long it takes to get a car. I just can't imagine how it will seem to really own one. I can just imagine watching that stock[?] go up! I wrote Mary about getting a car, meaning about four or five years hence, and she made me laugh by writing that I better wait until next year. I think that I wrote back not to worry for it would be certainly a few years yet before I got one. Thanking you more than I can ever tell, Affectionately, Florence R. Sabin