Dec. 9 1922. Dear Mrs. Denison, Do you mind a typewritten letter, written by my own hand as proved by many mistakes. I find them easier than hand written after my hand has gotten tired with long use of the microscope. I have gotten tremendously interested in the study if abnormal blood, the methods which I have developed of studying normal blood have raised questions that can only be settled by studying the abnormal and the new man here in our clinical laboratory is a wonder. He is a Dr. Amos who has been trained for several years at the Rockefeller Institute. During the war he trained all the doctors who went into the laboratory division who were to have charge of the epidemics of meningitis and things of that sort. He came here last year to get back into the teaching force and he is simply splendid, in fact the real putting of our medical department into the hands to two very fine full time men, Dr. Longcope and Dr. Amos seem to me to have already justified the idea that Dr. Mall had of it. They both welcome me over there and give me every possible chance to study their cases. Moreover they have asked me to train a student for them so that more work can be done. Next Monday, week, Dr. Cunningham, Mr. Doan and I are to give our work at a medical meeting and I think after that there will be even more interest. Our technician developed Malta fever which comes from eating goats milk, in this case perhaps from cheese. Dr. Amos made a vaccine and finally I could show that by the vaccine he had heightened the power of the white cells to eat up foreign substances. Next week we are going to take some of his cells, add some of the germs of his own disease and see how many the cells will take up the bacteria. The Trust Fund makes a big impression on my mind; when you think that the original endowment of the Hopkins Medical School was only a half of a million dollars and consider how the wise expenditure of that money has affected medical education and practice in this country it makes one feel the responsibility of the wise use of funds for education. I thought that I would wait before naming a successor until I heard from you or perhaps until we could talk it over next summer. It is certainly a wonderful memorial and I do so hope that it will bring forth really great results. Last night I went to hear the French Socialist who has come over to answer Clemenseau.(?) He made a real impression on my mind. He said that with the data at hand, which was mainly the papers from Germany and Russia, let out thru their revolutions we were for the time being justified in thinking Germany more to blame than other countries for the war; that the data was not all at hand because England, France and Italy had published only what they chose of their diplomatic relations. But that since Germany had become democratic we had no right to lay up against the present government the faults of the preceding government and that we must act under the concept that democratic Germany intended to play fair. I have been thinking more and more about the Capital and Labor troubles and it seems to me that lots of the ideas of labor are wrong but in this one thing they are right that they question whether the imperialistic desires of the advanced nations to capture all the natural resources of the world for their own exclusive use are worth the cost, the cost being all that war means to the human race, millions of dead and billions of money. With love, Florence R. Sabin