December 10, 1940 Dear Dr. Sabin: We are still basking in the warm afterglow of your visit yesterday, and I assure you it is not simply the afterglow of the cocktail hour. The material which we presented, as I contemplate in retrospect, represented really only the partially completed approach to the problems indicated, but that was the very reason for having you stop at this particular time. The still photographs of the supravitally stained cells were lacking in the sharpness of detail which perfection demands, but we have just begun to pioneer in this field and I hope by spring to have a much more uniformly satisfactory color reproduction of representative morphologic cell types. Also the cinematographic recordings, while representing the best selections from a tremendous number of frames of exposure still need additional documentation and further control studies before the skepticism of the immunologist and the cytologist can be completely satisfied. Too, the monkey studies have only been going approximately ten or eleven months, and obviously much of the work thus far has simply been to pose further questions which can only be answered by carefully planned additional experiments. But granting all this, I feel sure you will have seen the beginning germination of more complete answers to these problems which time and continued diligence may hope to produce. I am not so sure that what we talked about yesterday morning should be attempted, but I am perfectly willing to leave the decision, as to any reaction which you might take in enlarging to Dr. White the things I said in Philadelphia last Tuesday, to your own matured judgment. Dr. Hugh Morgan, Vanderbilt School of Medicine, Nashville, Tenn., is the permanent secretary of the American Association of Physicians which meets each year in May at Atlantic City. We shall keep you in touch with the various problems as they develop. Please send me the Pauling reference if you have time. (I just found it, thanks!) Again assuring you of the very genuine appreciation of all of our group for the contagion of your enthusiasm and the benefit derived from discussing the current concepts with you, Gratefully and affectionately yours, Charles A. Doan, M. D. Professor of Medicine