Sept. 30, 1925. Dear Robert, Well we had a fine time in Baltimore. I went down Friday afternoon and Doan came Saturday. I spent a hectic day on Saturday. Made my major task to look after the proof. The proof of the colored plates is nothing short of wonderful. There was one bad mistake, namely that the mitochondria were printed red but I called McGruder's attention to it and he is going to have that fixed, said that it would not be hard to do. I can't see but that the three color half tone is about as good as a lithograph and Mr. Didusch was simply delighted. Doan had read the page proof and picked up a few bad mistakes such as the word and at the end of a line and at the beginning of the next. I take all blame for letting it by but it rather interests me that they regard Dr. F. R. Smith such an expert proof reader and he did not get them. I think that they were all in their type setting and not in our copy and Dr. Smith did not pick up a single one of them. Doan was really thrilled by the paper, thought that it was the best yet. I gave the page proof the final once over and am to see the proof of the colored plate once more. About those zinc cuts. I suppose that they mean that the zincs are to be destroyed if not wanted, whereas I thought that they meant ones originals of charts and drawings so I said yes on their blanks. I did not want those zinc cuts, so sent them on to you to see if with your love of saving all records you wanted them. If you don't throw them away. I found that they had no intention of returning all of our charts. DR had Miss Campon telephone about them or I should never have gotten them. She knew a woman a Miss Knox who found them for me, she said at first that she did not think that they had them, but she finally got them. I brought the whole package up here in the machine and think that she included your set the TB ones with mine of the Rhythms. I thought that you would be much more likely to get them from me than from the Williams and Wilkins. I think McGruder too awfully nervous to look after things in fact I should say that he was on the ragged edge of a nervous brake down and I think Miss Stocksdale about as completely incompetent as any secretary I have ever come in contact with. She can tell little and that little is always wrong. Dean and I drove up to New York on Monday. Came through in 12 hours and had a grand time. The car is simply wonderful with its new carburettor, goes like a bird end has a wonderful pick up. Doan was so pleased over it that he is trying to persuade his father to switch to a Franklin when he buys a new car. I stayed at the Hookers of course and Doan stayed with Orthelo at the Dormatory. The Hookers had Wislocki, Langworthy and Doan out for Sunday supper and the Kubies and Trauts came out for tea. Traut is happy in pathology and is going to work on the kidney. I saw the Weeds. Dr. Weed is very busy over the drive. He will be in New York on Friday. Do not know whether he will have time to come over here or not. He said that Halpert had been pretty blue. He is still in bed but gets up to go to the doctors. His address is care of Dr. L. Brown. Saranac Lake if you want to write. Dr. Huber had a fairly nice summer, finally passed his stone. His wife went to Switzerland, saw his father and mother and got his address in South America from them and then pestered him all summer with letters. Huber told me that there were things worse than his kidney stone to bother him this summer. He certainly got himself into a mess with that marriage. Downey has asked for a very critical review of Jordan's last paper. I think that I shall decline. I am not keen for the job. I am completely disgusted over Maximow having abstracted ours, it was at his own request. However I think that Maximow is getting a little education in this country. His last paper in the Klinische Wochenschrift, 1925, 4, No. 31, 1486-1488 is certainly decidedly clearer than the paper in the Physiological Reviews. He has learned by reading our papers that his first work had a good point in it and what that point was. In the paragraph in which he says that the Kupffer cell is no argument that endothelium can develop into a phagocytic cell because the Kupffer cell is not ordinary endothelium (Who ever said it was?) I think that a real classic in the way of logic. The Kupffer cell is not a modified endothelial cell because it is not an ordinary endothelial cell. How is that for clear thinking. Then he goes on to say that the Kupffer cell is not endothelium anyway because it is reticulozendothelium. Nevertheless I think that this is the clearest paper he has written. I don't intend to get my fingers burnt in reviewing Jordan's paper. I'll glance at it and if I can't write a perfectly perfunctory review I shall let it alone. I had written to Willis for a culture of the bovine organism we used but he was not in town. He has returned now and if he can't send it to me I shall go down over a Sunday and get it. They tell us here to use the same station that we are accustomed to if we want the same effects. I advise you to do the same. We are to have a conference with Dr. Lewis, Paul A. on Friday because Dr. Flexner says that he is the real expert on the dosage of TB. I shall show him our charts. We are to give the work at the staff meeting on Nov. 6th. When is it that you are going to Baltimore? Let me know, because if I have to go down again for the culture I might plan to be there at the same time. Had a nice letter from Corner. He is starting in with his first class in Histology. He wanted all our reprints. Your letter asking me to see Streeter came after I had returned. If he doesn't send them soon let me know. I will speak to him when I see him next time, but if you get in a hurry I will write. I am sure that he plans to send them to the laboratory. We haven't heard yet how you take to the idea of coming up here to work in the spring if we get anything interesting going. Very cordially yours, Florence R. Sabin