Nov 23 -- 29 Dear Mary-- What a week -- I've[?] had to see a lot of reporters. Last nights [sic] was awful but this evenig [sic] I met an awfully jolly one -- She was for the Boston Post and prmised [sic] to send me a copy of her article -- It might [ . . . ] good for she was such fun -- Tonight I am having the new members of my staff [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] for dinner at the club and taking they[?] to the theatre. Dr and Mrs Wiseman and Dr. Miller. Mrs Wiseman has just come She came on in the [ . . . ] and had a nervous break down and went back home to Indianapolis but now she is quite well again -- Dr. Wiseman is very able -- the other[?] Dr. Millr [sic] is very shy -- He is from Illinois and is very quiet -- The Doans couldn't come to my party [END PAGE TWO] [BEGIN PAGE THREE] for Dr. Doan's father is here and a girl fried [sic] of Mrs Doane -- I was sorry -- but had asked the others and Judith want to put it off again -- Sunday non [sic] I'm going to Elsa's for lunch -- Must see her[?] soon -- Had a long letter from Mrs Sheldon. Of course lots of letters from all over. Mrs Dewain[?] wrte [sic] that [END PAGE THREE] [BEGIN PAGE FOUR] she had sent you the pictures of the Reunion[?] -- I am reading Sig[ . . . ] [ . . . ]ets three novels -- They are very very fine -- One got the Nobel Prize-- With love -- Florence Dr. Bryce is making a collection of alll [sic] the newspaper clippigs [sic] for you