April 29 1929. Dear Mary, Back again in New York after much gadding. I didn't get a chance to write but sent a telegram from Baltimore to let you know that I was thinking of you. Found two letters from you, Doan had forwarded one to me in Baltimore which I missed. Vassar was level and we were delightfully entertained there. There was a dinner Friday night which Dr. Welsh and I missed. We got there for the evening reception and met many of the Vassar faculty. The meeting was not exciting for we gave no prize. Then there was a dinner at Pres. McCracken's house, go followed by a demonstration in the new Physics department and then a tea. Dr. Welsh and I got a 5 o'clock train, had supper at a restaurant here in New York and then I took the midnight train to Baltimore. Had breakfast with Dr. Sherwood and watched the trees just coming into leaf from her windows, then on to the Hookers. Dr. Wislocki and Dr. Langworthy came for lunch and then Dr. Hooker took us for a drive, then dinner, bridge and the early morning train for Washington. Dr. White met me at the train and took me up to the wonderful home of the National Academy. There was first a brief business meeting at which or rather before which I met the President, the very distinguished Prof. Michelson the physicist. My but there were lots of well known people there. Prof. Pupin, Prof. Millikin, Dr. Merrian who is now president of the Carnegie. Dr. Hale the astronomer gave a report on the new Hoover fund or proposed fund of 20,000 for research. The first day's program was largely physics and astronomy and the next day the biological subjects. There was no very exciting paper but I enjoyed the whole thing very much indeed. Tuesday night there was a dinner. I invited Dr. and Mrs. White as my guests and they had a very nice time. Last night I had dinner with Ms. Mall and then took the midnight. I shall be glad of a night's sleep in my own bed. Dr. Lialan Welsh was here when I came but went away this noon and is to return Saturday and Sunday and then go back on Monday. Unfortunately Cunningham is going to come for Saturday and Sunday too. Don't know what I shall do with the two of them. With love, Florence Hope that that old wound will heal soon.